Books and Other Texts I've Put on the Web
Books? I heard about them once on MTV.
Poetry gets a page of its own.
- Daniel Bell
- The neo-conservative intellectual, author of Cultural Contradictions of Late Capitalism and Post-Industrial Society, writing ``The Cultural Contradictions of Newt Gingrich'', doubtless with a certain chickens-come-home-to-roost feeling.
- J. D. Bernal
- 20th century British physicist, author of The World, the Flesh and the Devil, an inspired piece of prophecy which I personally find very unpleasant.
- Chuang Tzu
- A.k.a. Chuang Chou, Zhuang Zi, etc.
- Richard Dawkins
- The Economist
- Articles from the best newspaper on Earth. It would be even better if it shared my politics, of course, but nothing banned in Singapore can be all bad.
- Hans Magnus Enzensberger
- An essay on ``Molecular Civil War.''
- Timothy Ferris
- Generation X
- An assortment of articles on what is, alas, my generation. Most are sensible; one is such a howler it cried out for preservation.
- J. B. S. Haldane
- Hermes Trismegistus
- William James
- Sir Peter Medawar
- H. L. Mencken
- Julian Offray de La Mettrie
- John Stuart Mill
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
- George Orwell
- Heinz Pagels
- Bertrand Russell
- André Siegfried
- A French geographer writing on Germs and Ideas in 1958.
- Benedict Spinoza
- Bruce Sterling
- Lewis Thomas
- Andrew Dickson White
- A co-founder and Professor of History at Cornell, later its President, and the author, in 1896, of a wonderful book on the History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. In his day it seemed obvious to anyone with half a brain that Theology was vanquished: but we live in less enlightend times.
- Ch'an or Zen
(Sat Mar 10 22:44:22 2001)