Mommy daddy you and I
- Derek Abbott
- Lada Adamic
- Phil Agre
[Almost too smart to be a social scientist]; Red Rock Eater News
- Dave Asblonov Albers
- Philip Apps,
mathematician (see his Non-standard
Analysis page), crypto-economist (<<Le marche, c'est
moi>>) and union comrade.
- Adnan Aziz
- Jenna Bednar
- Carl Bergstrom
- Matthew Berryman
- Philippe-Michel
- Ranko Bon
- Denny Borsboom
- Fabio Boschetti
- M. Deric Bownds
- Stewart Brand [I don't
know him, but he's (1) an SFI trustee and (2) a writer of very admirable books,
even if he did help inflict Buckminster Fuller upon the world, and still takes
Gregory Bateson seriously.]
- Stewart Butterfield: Sylloge ["Not a weblog. OK, maybe a
little bit. But it is definitely not a blog."]
- William Calvin
- Marcelo Camperi
- Christophe
- Markus Christen
- Kim-Sau
- Dennis Chao; the Whee project; Doom as a tool for system
- Jim Crutchfield [A
former doctoral adviser]
- Lukasz Debowski
- Jutta Degener;
the nighttime
[Collaborative database of odd ideas]; seen and not seen; options &
futures (I find the board clock
particularly charming); Interesting
- Adrian Dobra
- Pedro Domingos
- Alexis Drogoul
- Raissa D'Souza
- Adam Elga
- T. Sean Elicker Memorial
Page [Sean was a good and much-missed man, who died senselessly and much
too soon.]
- Patrick Farley
- Fred Feinberg:
- Dave Feldman
- Jon Fetter has been insisting that he'll get a homepage and get out
of physics for years; he defended his dissertation on 20 April 2000, and we're
still waiting...
- Walter Fontana
- Chris Genovese
- Lise Getoor
- Emily Gladstone
- David Greenebaum
- David
Griffeath [My old professor at Madison, and an excellent cook]
- Bonni Hall
- Han Jing
- Ilse Hirvonen Will Never Be the Little
Homemaker; leads to
some Enchanting Beasts
- Peter Hoff
- Peter Hollo
- Wim Hordijk
- Peter Hraber [Was the
most amiable of housemates; his dogs, however, were another story.]
- Martin Jameson
is really Michelle Martin and Bill Jameson, two dear friends from Madison "who
be married."
- Heike Jänicke
- Kristina Klinkner
- Michael Lachmann
- Alex Lancaster
- John
Lawler; The Eclectic
Company; "Metaphors We
Compute By"
- Blake LeBaron
- Kristina Lerman
- Norm Margolus
- Jon Mattox: Uni [See him play if you ever get the chance.]
- Thomas Miconi
- Melanie Mitchell [A
former boss]
- Cris Moore
- Susan Murphy
- Lauren Ancel Myers
- Dmitry Nerukh
- Mark Newman
- Michael Nielsen
- Martin Nilsson Jacobi
- Tom O'Donnell
- Una-May O'Reilly
- Scott
Page [A former boss]
- Daniel Polani
- Mitchell
- Jean-Baptiste Rouquier
- Aryaman Shalizi [My younger brother. He's much smarter than I am;
also more sociable, and better looking. His complexion is dark enough that he
sometimes got hassled for not joining La Raza or going to meetings of
"Students of Color." My complexion is light enough that I would be more than
hassled if I tried. (In high school, he was sometimes called "Cosma's ethnic
brother"; likewise, I was "Ary's white brother." Don't call him Ary.) He
did his undergraduate degree in neuroscience at Oberlin College, where he played in the Can Consortium. Since then he's
been at the National Institutes of Health,
where he worked on transgenic mice with most of the HIV genome spliced in and
tumor-suppressor genes for (of all things) the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research. He discovered the joys of graduate school through the Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Program at Harvard, where he
"put the LABOR in laboratory." Now he does fascinating things to
proteins at Stanford.]
- Zmarak Shalizi
[My father. He's an economist for a uniquely enlightened organ of imperalism,
the World Bank, and was the lead author
of the Bank's World
Development Report 2003: Sustainable Development in a Dynamic
Economy. (That report led The Economist to ask "Is the World
Bank turning Marxist?", but he insists his leftism can be summed by saying
"Humanity has a long way to go before it is civilized.") His favorite
authors are Richard Dawkins and
Larry Gonick.]
- Padhraic Smyth
- I shared a "den of inquiry" with Nigel Snoad
- Clint Sprott
- Ricard Solé
- Bruce Sterling: Beyond the Beyond; Bruce Sterling Online
Index; my own set of Sterling essays in HTML; Dead Media Project;
the Viridian Movement [of which I
am a proud, chevron-bearing member]; the Viridian Manifesto of January 3,
- Marti Stites; Art
- Samir Succar
[Sammy's been a friend of my brother since they were both eight. It's not my
fault he went to physics graduate school --- I warned him.]
- Dana Randall
- Owen Thomas
- Bill Tozier
- Will Tracy
- Erik "I'll solve
your model" van Nimwegen
- Dowman Varn
- Valérie Ventura
- Ben Vigoda
- Peter Vorobieff
[A deft hand with razors]
- Larry Wasserman
- Mike Wellman
- Doug White
- Danny Yee; his superb book
reviews, Ramblings of a Pathologically
Eclectic Generalist.
- Linqiao Zhao