The Bactra Review The
White Castle
The Italians of the time --- or at any rate the Tuscans and the Venetians ---
had surprisingly sensible ideas on what to do about plague, though it's unclear
whether they made much of a difference. These are well-described in Carlo
M. Cipolla, Fighting the Plague in Seventeenth-Century Italy
(Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1981) and idem, Faith,
Reason, and the Plague in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany (trans. by Muriel
Kittel; NY: W. W. Norton & Co., 1981; as Chi ruppe i rastelli a
Monte Lupo?, Bolonga: Il Mulino, 1977). It has, alas, been too long
since I read these for me to say whether the recommendations Pamuk has his
characters make correspond to contemporary Italian practices in any detail.