I said that the events of interest to particle physicists can never be directly perceived by humans. This is not quite true. There are devices, such as cloud chambers and bubble chambers, in which (some) particles leave a visible track behind them, like the wake of a boat or jet contrails. The photographs of these trails are certainly a lot more impressive than the chunky computer graphs particle physicists produce now-a-days; nor is the simplicity of the technique to be sneezed at. When my father was an architecture student at Berkeley in the mid-60s, we worked part time at ``reading'' bubble chamber photographs for the Lawrence Lab. They prefered not to use physics students, who were too prone to see interesting events which simply weren't there - which would not have surprised William James.

Alas, bubble chambers and cloud chambers have to be filled with some sort of fluid (bubble chambers used liquid hydrogen), so they the particle beams and the actual point of collision cannot be inside it. This is fine if you are interested in the decay products, but not in the actual process of the collision. Also, the rates at which events occur in modern accelerators are so high that even if bubble chambers could be used, it would be impractical to take so many photographs in such rapid succession.