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Sir Peter
On ``The Effecting of All Things
See E. M. W. Tillyard, The Elizabethan
World-Picture (London: 1943, 1960). This has some marvellous quotations
demolishing the notion that the Copernican revolution first ``dethroned Man
from the center of things'', made humanity seem a mere blip in a vast universe,
etc., by showing that our cosmic insignificance was a common theme of medieval
and Renaissance works. (Remember where Dante put Lucifer.) What was
disturbing was the de-animation and de-sacralization of the universe, not our
eccentric place therein.
An echo of the famous Hippocratic
Aphorism (I, i)?
Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience
perilous, and decision difficult. The physician must not only be prepared to do
what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and
externals cooperate.
Part I, Chapter VI, paragraphs 39 and 35, respectively.
Clearly, Medawar was spared having to use the Internet.
Cf. Vannevar Bush, ``As
We May Think''.
The first quotation is to be found in the penultimate
paragraph of Part I, Chapter VI; I am unable to locate the second, or any
obvious variant of it, in the on-line version of Leviathan.