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Sir Peter Medawar
Ethology and Human Behavior
e.g. Crook and others in M. F. A. Montague (ed.), Man and Aggression (New York and London, 1968); R. A. Hinde, Animal Behavior: A Synthesis of Ethology and Comparative Psychology (New York, 1970).
R. A. Hinde, `The Use of Differences and Similarities in Comparative Psychopathology', in George Serban and Arthur Kling (eds.), Animal Models in Human Psychobiology, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Kittay Scientific Foundation, 1974 (New York and London, 1976).
`The Uniqueness of the Individual', in The Uniqueness of the Individual (London, 1957; New York, 1981).
C. Darwin, The Descent of Man (London, 1871). [On-line version, 1.6 Mb]
A. N. Whitehead, Introduction to Mathematics (London, 1911).
The Uniqueness of the Individual (see note 3 above); The Future of Man; `Technology and Evolution'.
S. A. Barnett, `Homo docens', Journal of Biosocial Science, 5, 393--403, 1973.
Z. Y. Kuo, `Genesis of the Cat's Behaivour Towards the Rat', Journal of Comparative Psychology, 11, 1-35, 1930.
M. E. P. Seligman and J. L. Hager (eds.), Biological Boundaries of Learning (New York: 1972); R. A. Hinde and J. Stevenson Hinde (eds.), Constraints on Learning: Limitations and Predispositions (London and New York, 1973).
These views were the subject of an altercation between Professor H. J. Eysneck and myself in a number of issues of the New Statesman and Nation (11 January 1974 and two succeeding issues).
R. A. Hinde, Biological Basis of Human Social Behavior (New York, 1974), pp. 243--4.
E. Marais, The Soul of the Ape (London, 1969; 2nd ed., Hammondsworth, 1973).
D. S. Lehrman, `Gonadal Hormones and Parental Behavior in Birds and Infra-Human Mammals', in W. C. Young (ed.), Sex and Internal Secretion (Baltimore, 1961).