ibn Rushd, Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad, a.k.a. Averroes, 1126--1198
01 Aug 2004 11:55
Andalusian philosopher, most interesting to me for his work on causality. (Yet Another Inadequate Placeholder.)
- Recommended:
- Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture of Islam, vol. 2 [Contains a very good discussion of ibn Rushd, the tradition to which he belonged, and his subsequent influence both in Latin Christendom and Islamdom; Hodgson actually asserts that the western way of formulating the problem of the relation between secular knowledge and religious belief derives largely from Averroes; I don't know enough there to judge.]
- ibn Rushd, Tahafut al-Tahafut [Trans. by Simon Van Den Bergh as Tahafut al-Tahafut: The Incoherence of the Incoherence, which is of course the only way I've read it!]
- Barry S. Kogan, Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation
- To read:
- Decisive Treatise and Epistle Dedicatory: Determining the Connection Between the Law and Wisdom
- Faith and Reason in Islam: Averroes' Exposition of Religious Arguments
- On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy (trans. George Hourani)
- Herbert Alan Davidson, Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes on Intellect: Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect
- Majid Fakhry, Averroes: His Life, Works and Influence
- Oliver Leaman, Averroes and His Philosophy
- Mourad Wahba and Mona Abousenna (eds.), Averroes and the Enlightenment