Random Boolean Networks, Nk Networks
Last update: 11 Dec 2024 09:54First version: 21 June 2006; major expansion 25 November 2024
Attention conservation notice: Anything useful I know about this I learned from Bill Tozier, many years ago now, but he's not to blame for my misapprehensions and bad judgment calls.
Somewhat confusingly, Stuart Kauffman invented two models which are both called "the Kauffman's \( Nk \) model", because in both, there are $N$ genes, each of which interacts, somehow, with $k$ others.
In the older model, which is also referred to as "random Boolean networks", goes as follows. Time is discrete, and at each time $t$, each of the $N$ genes is either active/expressed (1) or inactive/un-expressed (0). The state of each gene at time $t+1$ is a function of the state of $k$ genes at time $t$, and those $k$ genes are chosen at random. This randomness is however "quenched", i.e., the random partners are chosen once and for all at time $t=0$ and then don't change. In symbols: \( X_i(t) \) is the state of gene $i$ at time $t$, and \( \mathbf{A} \) is an $N \times N$ matrix, where \( A_{ij} = 1 \) if gene $j$ is an input into the state of gene $i$. The matrix is random, subject only to the constraint that, for each $i$, \[ \sum_{j}{A_{ij}} = k \] Define $P(i)$ as the set of all $j$ where \( A_{ij} = 1 \), and \( X_{P(i)}(t)\) as the vector of their states at time $t$. Then the dynamics are given by \[ X_i(t+1) = F_i(X_{P(i)}(t)) \] where \( F_i \) is a binary-valued function of $k$ binary arguments, and the capital letter is an indication that this, too, is chosen randomly at the beginning of time.
To appreciate what's going on here, a little history may help. Kauffman first published this model in 1969. Just a few years before, the Nobel Prize in physiology had gone to Jacob, Lwoff and Monod for (basically) establishing how gene expression is regulated --- how some genes work to inhibit or allow the expression of other genes. In the specific model system Jacob and Monod worked with, expression was indeed pretty much binary, and the expression of one gene was controlled by that of a few other genes, and by environmental conditions; you could write it as a small Boolean expression. (The point of the circuit is to make the enzyme for eating lactose only when lactose is present, and no better food is available.)
Kauffman's model kept the binary states, and the small Boolean expressions, but dropped the adaptation-to-the-environment part. * The model then asks what happens when you have a lot of such overlapping and interacting circuits --- what patterns do they produce? (For instance, it's easy to see that any state must either be part of a periodic cycle, or be a transient, never-revisited state which eventually feeds into a cycle. [The cycle might have period 1, i.e., be a fixed point.] How many cycles are there? What's the distribution of periodicities? How stable are they under small perturbations?) Phenomena which appear with high probability in these random Boolean networks are in some sense easy for Boolean networks to exhibit. Said differently, if your favorite Boolean network doesn't display those phenomena, it is weird and rare and probably more or less engineered / selected to avoid them.
(You can at this point begin introducing all sorts of variations: is \( X_i(t) \) always an input into \( X_{i}(t+1) \), or never, or only with probability $1/N$? [Jacob and Monod's circuit wasn't self-referential this way, but other ] Is updating synchronous, as I've implicitly assumed, or asynchronous, and what kind of asynchrony? Is the updating deterministic, as I've assumed above, or just probabilistic, and if so with what probabilities? Etc., etc.)
The other Kauffman \( Nk \) model, more properly the Kauffman-Levin model, is about fitness landscapes, in the sense of evolutionary genetics. Again, each gene is one of two states, say \( g_i \) for gene $i$, but now those are two genetic variants, two "alleles". Each gene interacts with $k$ other genes to make an additive contribution to the fitness of that genotype: \[ \Phi(g) = \sum_{i}{\phi_i(g_i, g_{P(i)})} \] where the values of the functions $\phi_i$ are drawn iidly from some fixed distribution. The questions now concern stuff like "how many local maxima are there?", "how easy is it to escape a local maximum under different sorts of search/evolution?", "are the local maxima clustered in any interesting way in the search space?", etc., etc. But this is not a model of dynamics at all. (Though trying to optimize on one of these landscapes can introduce lots of complicated dynamics...)
*: The original
paper presents this as temporary but harmless simplification:
Since the autonomous, undriven behavior of a system must be elucidated before the effect of exogeneous [sic] inputs can be understood, I have studied the behavior of switching nets free of external inputs. A bacterium in a constant environment undergoes autonomous changes in the concentrations of molecular species, and the sea urchin, in a similarly homogeneous surrounding, develops in an orderly sequence of states from its zygote. Since constant external input to a net is equivalent to a similar net held free of external input, stable oscillations of chemical species and
cell differentiation seem to be largely autonomous behaviors of metabolic nets." [p. 440]
I do wonder if this was every really intended as a mere preliminary , for two reasons. One is that Kauffman's later thought amplified themes of second part of my quotation, very much emphasizing the internal dynamics of living things, to the point of neglecting adaptation to the environment. (Or so it seems to me; but he's a great biologist and I very much am not.) Second,
it was the 1960s, structuralism was in the air, and
self-referential dynamics of binary signs is about as structuralist as you can get. ^
- See also:
- Adaptation
- Artificial Life
- Ashby [An inspiration for the 1969 Nk model]
- Biological Order and Levels of Organization
- Cellular Automata
- Chaos and Non-linear Dynamics
- Developmental Biology
- Dissipative Structures
- Edge of Chaos
- Physical Principles in Biology
- Self-organization
- Signal Transduction, Control of Metabolism, and Gene Regulation
- Spin Glasses
- Statistical Mechanics
- Recommended, essential:
- Stuart Kauffman, The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution [Brief comments]
- Recommended, background:
- Larry Gonick, The Cartoon Guide to Genetics [This contains, in all seriousness, the clearest explanation of Jacob and Monod's work on the "lac operon". That work is, however, one of the classics of molecular biology, so if you want something more boring with uglier pictures, any textbook will give you the gory details.]
- Recommended, big picture:
- Carlos Gershenson, "Introduction to Random Boolean Networks", nlin.AO/0408006
- Recommended, close ups, random Boolean network dynamics:
- Barbara Drossel, "On the number of attractors in random Boolean networks", Physical Review E 72 (2005): 016110, cond-mat/0503526
- Carlos Gershenson, "Phase Transitions in Random Boolean Networks with Different Updating Schemes", nlin/0311008
- Carlos Gershenson, Stuart A. Kauffman, and Ilya Shmulevich, "The Role of Redundancy in the Robustness of Random Boolean Networks", nlin.AO/0511018
- Recommended, close-ups, fitness landscapes:
- Richard Durrett and Vlada Limic, "Rigorous Results for the NK Model", Annals of Probability 31 (2003): 1713--1753
- Recommended, close-ups, origins:
- S. A. Kauffman, "Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets", Journal of Theoretical Biology 22 (1969): 437--467 [Legend has it that Kauffman did the randomization for this paper by shuffling punch cards in the computer lab: se non è vero, è ben trovato. (I never had the gumption to ask him if the story was true when we overlapped at Santa Fe.)]
- Stuart Kauffman and Simon Levin, "Toward a general theory of adaptive walks on rugged landscapes", Journal of Theoretical Biology 128 (1987): 11--45
- To read, fitness landscapes:
- Sourav Chatterjee, "Chaos, concentration, and multiple valleys", arxiv:0810.4221 ["Disordered systems are an important class of models in statistical mechanics, having the defining characteristic that the energy landscape is a fixed realization of a random field. Examples include various models of glasses and polymers. They also arise in other areas, like fitness models in evolutionary biology. The ground state of a disordered system is the state with minimum energy. The system is said to be chaotic if a small perturbation of the energy landscape causes a drastic shift of the ground state. We present a rigorous theory of chaos in disordered systems that confirms long-standing physics intuition about connections between chaos, anomalous fluctuations of the ground state energy, and the existence of multiple valleys in the energy landscape."]
- Vlada Limic and Robin Pemantle, "More rigorous results on the Kauffman-Levin model of evolution", Annals of Probability 32 (2004): 2149--2178, math.PR/0308282
- To read, random Boolean network dynamics:
- Andrew Berdahl, Amer Shreim, Vishal Sood, Maya Paczuski, Joern Davidsen, "Random sampling vs. exact enumeration of attractors in random Boolean networks", arxiv:0904.3948
- Madalena Chaves, Reka Albert and Eduardo D. Sontag, "Robustness and fragility of Boolean models for genetic regulatory networks", q-bio.MN/0401037
- S. N. Coppersmith, "The computational complexity of Kauffman nets and the P versus NP problem", cond-mat/0510840
- L. Correale, M. Leone, A. Pagnani, M. Weigt, R. Zecchina, "Computational core and fixed-point organisation in Boolean networks", cond-mat/0512089
- Florian Greil and Barbara Drossel, "The dynamics of critical Kauffman networks under asynchronous stochastic update", cond-mat/0501081 = Physical Review Letters 95 (2005): 048701
- Leo Kadanoff, Susan Coppersmith and Maximino Aldana, "Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings," nlin.AO/0204062
- Viktor Kaufman and Barbara Drossel, "Relevant components in critical random Boolean networks", cond-mat/0606507
- Viktor Kaufman, Tamara Mihaljev and Barbara Drossel, "Scaling in critical random Boolean networks", cond-mat/0506807
- Juha Kesseli, Pauli Rämö, and Olli Yli-Harja, "Tracking perturbations in Boolean networks with spectral methods", Physical Review E 72 (2005):026137
- Constantin Klemm and Stefan Bornholdt, "Stable and unstable attractors in Boolean networks", cond-mat/0411102
- Michele Leone, Andrea Pagnani, Giorgio Parisi and Osvaldo Zagordi, "Finite size corrections to random Boolean networks", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006: P12012
- Bartolo Luque, Fernando J. Ballesteros and Manuel Fernández, "Variances as order paramaeter and complexity measure for random Boolean networks", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (2005): 1031--1038
- James F. Lynch, "Critical Points for Random Boolean Networks," nlin.AO/0110036
- H. Mahmoudi, A. Pagnani, M. Weigt and R. Zecchina, "Propagation of external regulation and asynchronous dynamics in random Boolean networks", Chaos 17 (2007): 026109
- Christophe Malaterre, "Are self-organizing biochemical networks emergent?", phil-sci/5413
- Tamara Mihaljev, Barbara Drossel, "Scaling in a general class of critical random Boolean networks", cond-mat/0606612 = Physical Review E 74 (2006): 046101
- Andre A. Moreira and Luis A. N. Amaral, "Canalizing Kauffman networks: non-ergodicity and its effect on their critical behavior", cond-mat/0504722 = PRL 94 (2005): 218702
- U. Paul, V. Kaufman, B. Drossel, "The properties of attractors of canalyzing random Boolean networks", cond-mat/0511049
- Pauli Rämö, Juha Kesseli, and Olli Yli-Harja, "Stability of functions in Boolean models of gene regulatory networks", Chaos 15 (2005): 034101
- Cynthia J. Olson Reichhardt and Kevin E. Bassler, "Canalization and Symmetry in Boolean Models for Genetic Regulatory Networks", q-bio.QM/0610011
- Chikoo Oosawa, Kazuhiro Takemoto, Shogo Matsumoto, Michael A. Savageau, "Local cause of coherence in Boolean networks", nlin.CG/0611049
- Bjoorn Samuelsson and Carl Troein, "Random maps and attractors in random Boolean networks", cond-mat/0505481
- Steffen Schober and Martin Bossert, "Analysis of random Boolean networks using the average sensitivity", arxiv:0704.0197
- C. Seshadhri, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Jackson R. Mayo, Robert C. Armstrong, and Joseph R. Ruthruff, "Influence and Dynamic Behavior in Random Boolean Networks", Physical Review Letters 107 (2011): 108701
- Agnes Szejka and Barbara Drossel, "Evolution of Canalizing Boolean Networks", q-bio.PE/0701025