Analytical Marxism, a.k.a. "No Bullshit" Marxism
Last update: 08 Dec 2024 00:51First version: 24 November 2021
Yet Another Inadequate Placeholder (especially for a school of thought which influenced me very deeply)
See also: Marxism; Methodology for the Social Sciences
- Recommended, examples:
- G. A. Cohen, Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defense
- Jon Elster
- Making Sense of Marx
- An Introduction to Karl Marx
- "Marxism, Functionalism and Game Theory: The Case for Methodological Individualism," Theory and Society 11 (1982): 453--482 [JSTOR]
- John Roemer
- A General Theory of Exploitation and Class
- Free to Lose: An Introduction to Marxist Economic Philosophy
- Erik Olin Wright
- To read:
- Alan Carling
- "Analytical Marxism and Historical Materialism: The Debate on Social Evolution", Science and Society 57 (1993): 31--65 [JSTOR]
- Social Division
- G. A. Cohen, Why Not Socialism? [though see chapter 1 of Joseph Heath's Cooperation and Social Justice...]
- Adam Przeworski, Capitalism and Social Democracy
- Marcus Roberts, Analytical Marxism: A Critique
- John Roemer, Equal Shares: Making Market Socialism Work
- Erik Olin Wright
- Class Counts
- Real Utopias
- Erik Olin Wright, Andrew Levine and Elliott Sober, Reconstructing Marxism: Essays on Explanation and the Theory of History