The Minority Game
Last update: 08 Dec 2024 00:49First version: 12 February 2005 (or earlier)
This is a placeholder, accumulating references for a project I'm pondering. In many ways, I think the popularity of the minority game among physicists has been, at best, a distraction, but since it is popular...
See also: Learning in Games; Multi-Agent Systems
- See (deliberately omitting really stupid papers):
- The Minority Game's Web Page [The prime place for all things MG-related, maintained by Damien Challet]
- W. Brian Arthur, Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy [Collection of Arthur's papers, including those on the El Farol bar problem, of which the minorty game is itself a caricature. One of those papers is online. El Farol itself is a delightful place of which I have many fond memories.]
- William A. Brock and Cars H. Hommes, "A Rational Route to Randomness", Econometrica 65 (1997): 1059--1095
- Andrea Cavagna, "Irrelevance of Memory in the Minority Game", Physical Review E 59 (1999): 3783--3786
- Damien Challet and Matteo Marsili, "Relevance of Memory in Minority Games", cond-mat/0004196
- Damien Challet and Yi-Cheng Zhang, "Emergence of Cooperation and Organization in an Evolutionary Game", Physica A 246 (1997): 407--418 = cond-mat/9708006 [The original paper on the minority game]
- Paul Jefferies, M. L. Hart and Neil F. Johnson, "Deterministic Dynamics in the Minority Game", Physical Review E 65 (2002): 016105 = cond-mat/0103259 [Johnson's group has many other decent papers]
- H. Van Dyke Parunak, Sven A. Brueckener, John Sauter and Robert Savit, "Effort Profiles in Multi-Agent Resource Allocation" [PDF]
- Robert Savit, Sven A. Brueckner, H. Van Dyke Parunak and John Sauter, "Phase Structure of Resource Allocation Games", Physics Letters A 311 (2003): 359--364 = nlin.AO/0302053
- To read:
- Damien Challet, Matteo Marsili and Yi-Cheng Zhang, Minority Games [A 100-page review of the field, plus reprints of "essential" papers]
- H. F. Chau, V. H. Chan, F. K. Chow, "Playing The Hypothesis Testing Minority Game In The Maximal Reduced Strategy Space", arxiv:0711.3068
- A. C. C. Coolen, The Mathematical Theory Of Minority Games: Statistical Mechanics Of Interacting Agents
- Neil F. Johnson, Sehyo C. Choe, Sean Gourley, Timothy Jarrett, Pak Ming Hui, "Theory of Collective Dynamics in Multi-Agent Complex Systems", cond-mat/0403158
- Neil F. Johnson, Paul Jefferies and Pak Ming Hui, Financial Market Complexity
- Willemien Kets, "The minority game: An economics perspective", arxiv:0706.4432
- Willemien Kets, Mark Voorneveld, "Congestion, equilibrium and learning: The minority game", arxiv:0708.3542 ["different learning processes provide considerably different predictions": completely unsurprising, I must say.]
- Susanne Moelbert and Paolo De Los Rios, "The Local Minority Game," cond-mat/0109080
- Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, Damien Regnault, Eric Thierry, "Stochastic Minority on Graphs", arxiv:1011.5119
- N. Shayeghi and A. C. C. Coolen, "Generating functional analysis of batch minority games with arbitrary strategy numbers", cond-mat/0606448
- To get off my butt and write:
- "Alternative Models of Cognition in the Minority Game"