Multi-Agent Systems
09 Jul 2023 11:48
Cf. Agent-Based Modeling; Collective Cognition; Complex Networks; Institutions and Organizations; Learning in Games; the Minority Game; Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Recommended:
- Dorigo and Colombetti, Robot Shaping
- Kristina Lerman, "Design and Mathematical Analysis of Agent-based Systems", technical report, Information Sciences Institute [Link]
- To read:
- David Angeli and Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, "Stability of leaderless multi-agent systems. Extension of a result by Moreau", math.OC/0411338
- Eric Baum and Igor Durdanovic, "Evolution of Cooperative Problem Solving in an Artificial Economy," Neural Computation 12 (2000): 2743--2775
- Seth Bullock, Dan Ladley, Michael Kerby, "Wasps, Termites, and Waspmites: Distinguishing Competence from Performance in Collective Construction", Artificial Life 18 (2012): 267--290
- Jacques Ferber, Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Aram Galstyan, "Continuous Strategy Replicator Dynamics for Multi--Agent Learning", arxiv:0904.4717
- Bryan Horling and Victor Lesser, "A survey of multi-agent organizational paradigms", The Knowledge Engineering Review 19 (2004): 281--316
- K. Iwata, K. Ikeada and H. Sakai, "A Statistical Property of Multiagent Learning Based on Markov Decision Process", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17 (2006): 829--842
- Paul Jefferies and Neil F. Johnson, "Designing agent-based market models," cond-mat/0207523
- Kristina Lerman, Aram Galstyan and Tad Hogg, "Mathematical Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems", cs.RO/0404002
- Sonia Martinez, Francesco Bullo, Jorge Cortes and Emilio Frazzoli, "Synchronous robotic networks and complexity of control and communication laws", math.OC/0501499
- Sascha Ossowski, Co-Ordination in Artificial Agent Societies: Social Structure and Its Implications for Autonomous Problem-Solving Agents
- Julian A. Padget, Collaboration Between Human and Artificial Societies: Coordination and Agent-Based Distributed Computing
- Frank Schweitzer, Joerg Zimmermann and Heinz Muehlenbein, "Coordination of Decisions in a Spatial Agent Model," cond-mat/0109121
- Giovanni Sebastiani and Giovanni Luca Torrisi, "An Extended Ant Colony Algorithm and Its Convergence Analysis", Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 7 (2005): 249--263 ["[W]e propose a stochastic algorithm for solving NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems." Hopefully only approximately solving them...]
- V. S. Subrahmanian, Peiro Bonatti, Jürgen Dix, Thomas Eiter, Sarit Karus, Fatma Ozcan and Robert Ross, Heterogeneous Agent Systems
- Andreas L. Symeonidis and Pericles A. Mitkas, Agent Intelligence through Data Mining [Blurb]
- J. -J. van der Vyver , M. Christen , N. Stoop , T. Ott , W. -H. Steeb and R. Stoop, "Towards genuine machine autonomy", Robotics and Autonomous Systems 46 (2004): 151--157
- Gerhard Weiss et al., Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- David H. Wolpert and Stefan Bienawski, "Distributed Control by Lagrangian Steepest Descent", cs.MA/0403012