Science Fiction
Last update: 27 Feb 2025 09:16First version: Fall 1994
I pledge allegiance to the form
of science fiction and fantasy
and to the promise for which it stands:
one world,
genetically engineered,
with Internet access for all.--- Tonio Roque
I've spun off my list of recommendations into a separate page.
The distinction between science fiction and fantasy, like that between animal and plant, is sometimes unclear; still, it doesn't do to call Dunsany SF any more than it does to give your true love a bouquet of hippopotami.
- On-line SF resources (author's pages are on the recommendations page):
- Infinite Matrix
- David Langford and Ansible
- SFF Net [now (2023) defunct after long service]
- To read, SF;
- Chingiz Aitmatov, The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years
- Brian Aldiss
- Helliconia Summer
- Helliconia Winter
- Hothouse
- Poul Anderson
- A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
- Tau Zero
- Patricia Anthony
- Conscience of the Beagle
- Happy Policeman
- Eleanor Arnason
- The Sword Smith
- Mammoths of the Great Plains
- To the Resurrection Station
- A Woman of the Iron People
- Madeline Ashby, vN [sequels if I end up liking that one]
- Isaac Asimov
- Caves of Steel
- The Naked Sun
- The Gods Themselves
- A. A. Attanasio
- Last Legends of Earth
- Radix
- Kage Baker
- The Empress of Mars
- Dark Mondays
- Mother Aegypt and Other Stories
- Iain M. Banks
- Against a Dark Background
- The Algebraist
- The Bridge
- Feersum Endjinn
- The Culture:
- The Player of Games
- The State of the Art
- Excession
- Matter
- The Hydrogen Sonata
- John Barnes [Memo to self: Kaleidescope Century and
Mother of Storms are both reported to be pointlessly unpleasant by
Reliable Sources...]
- Finity
- A Million Open Doors
- Orbital Resonance
- Elizabeth Bear
- All the Windwracked Stars
- Carnival
- Dust
- Hammered, Scardown, Worldwired
- Machine
- Undertow
- Greg Bear
- Dead Lines
- Darwin's Radio
- Eon and Eternity
- Moving Mars
- Strength of Stones
- Chris Beckett, Holy Machine
- K. A. Bedford, Hydrogen Steel
- J. M. Berger, Optimal
- Lauren Beukes, Zoo City
- Lloyd Biggle, Monument [Humanity as the stupid alien invader with superior weaponry...]
- Terry Bisson, Bears Discover Fire
- John Boyd
- The Pollinators of Eden
- The Rakehells of Heaven
- Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles
- Damien Broderick
- Godplayers
- Transcension
- The White Abacus
- John Brunner
- Age of Miracles
- Bedlam Planet
- Catch a Falling Star
- To Conquer Chaos
- The Crucible of Time
- The Dramaturges of Yan
- From This Day Forward
- The Jagged Orbit
- Listen!
- The Long Result
- The Maze of Stars
- Muddle-Earth
- Players at the Game of People
- The Polymath
- The Productions of Time
- The Sheep Look Up
- The Stars
- Timescoop
- Steven Brust, Cobwoy Feng's Space Bar and Grill
- Tobias Bucknell, Crystal Rain
- M. M. Buckner, Watermind
- Lois McMaster Bujold
- Dreamweaver's Dilemma
- Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen
- Emma Bull, Falcon
- Octavia Butler
- Patternist series;
- Clay's Ark
- Survivor
- Patternmaster
- Earthseed series
- Parable of the Sower
- Parable of the Talents
- Xenogenesis series
- Dawn
- Adulthood Rites
- Imago
- Patternist series;
- Pat Cadigan
- Synners
- Tea from an Empty Cup
- Jeffrey Carver, The Infinity Link
- Adam-Troy Castro, The Third Claw of God
- Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
- Suzy McKee Charnas
- Motherlines
- The Furies
- C. J. Cherryh
- 40,000 in Gehenna
- Tripoint
- The Faded Sun
- Collected Short Fiction
- Port Eternity
- Finity's End
- Brother to Earth
- Wave without a Shore
- Serpent's Reach
- Regenesis
- Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life
- Deborah Christian, Mainline
- Arthur Clarke [None of his "collaborations" are worth your time]
- 1984: Spring --- A Choice of Futures [Nonfiction]
- 3001
- Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography
- Collected Stories
- The Exploration of Space [Nonfiction]
- Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! Collected Essays, 1934--1998
- The Lions of Comarre
- Profiles of the Future
- Report on Planet Three
- The Snows of Olympus: A Garden on Mars
- The Wind from the Sun
- Arthur C. Clarke and Frederik Pohl, The Last Theorem [an exception to the rule above]
- Hal Clement, Mission of Gravity
- Brenda Clough
- How Like a God
- The Doors of Death and Life
- Speak to Our Desires
- John Clute, Appleseed
- Michael Cobley, Seeds of Earth
- Alfred Coppel, Glory
- Richard Cowper, The Road to Corlay
- Sara Creasy, Children of Scarabaeus
- Maurice G. Dantec, Babylon Babies
- Avram Davidson
- The Enemy of My Enemy
- Masters of the Maze
- The Redward Edward Papers
- Mutiny in Space
- Bradley Denton, Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede
- Marianne de Pierres, Peacemaker [Review at]
- Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross, The Rapture of the Nerds
- Terry Dowling, Wormwood
- Gardner Dozois (ed.), The New Space Opera
- George Alec Effinger
- Heroics
- What Entropy Means to Me
- Greg Egan
- Axiomatic [Review by Danny Yee]
- The Dark Integers, and Other Stories
- Diaspora
- Incandescence
- Luminous [No US edition; contains stories from first collection, Our Lady of Chernobyl]
- Quarantine [Review by Danny Yee]
- Schild's Ladder
- Teranesia
- An Unusual Angle [1st novel, out of print]
- Harlan Ellison
- Approaching Oblivion
- The Deadly Streets
- Edgeworks
- I, Robot [Screenplay based on Asimov's robot stories; unfilmable.]
- Slippage
- Carol Emshwiller, The Secret City
- M. J. Engh, Arslan
- Joe Clifford Faust, A Death of Honor
- Sheila Finch, The Guild of Xenolinguists
- John M. Ford
- From the End of the Twentieth Century
- Fugue State
- Heat of Fusion
- Karen Joy Fowler, Sarah Canary
- Valerie J. Freireich
- Becoming Human
- Testament
- C. S. Friedman, Madness Season
- Randall Garrett
- Earth Invader [a.k.a. Anything You Can Do]
- Starship Death
- Unwise Child
- Takeoff!
- Takeoff Two!
- Mary Gentle
- Golden Witchbreed
- Ancient Light
- Amitav Ghosh, The Calcutta Chromosome
- William Gibson, Spook Country
- William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine
- Max Gladstone, Empress of Forever
- Kathy Ann Goonan
- Queen City Jazz
- In War Times
- Phyllis Gotlieb
- Blue Apes
- Doctor Umlaut's Earthly Kingdom [!?]
- Heart of Red Iron
- Sunburst
- Why Should I Have All the Grief?
- Mira Grant, Feed
- Daryl Gregory, The Album of Dr. Moreau
- Nicola Griffith
- Ammonite
- The Blue Place
- Jon Courtenay Grimwood
- Effendi
- Pashazade
- The End of the World Blues
- Joe Haldeman
- Forever Free
- Marsbound
- Work Done for Hire
- Elizabeth Hand
- The Winterlong Trilogy:
- Winterlong
- Aestival Tide
- Icarus Descending
- Glimmering
- The Winterlong Trilogy:
- M. John Harrison
- Light
- Viriconium
- Zenna Henderson, The People: No Different Flesh
- Vaughn Heppner, The Lost Starship
- Jim C. Hines, Terminal Uprising
- Russell Hoban
- The Lion of Boaz-Jachim and Jachim-Boaz
- Ridley Walker [Read it in high school, can't remember a damn thing about it except that I'd probably like it better now]
- Ernest Hogan, High AzTech
- Holdstock, Earthwind
- Ceceilia Holland, Floating Worlds
- Kameron Hurley
- The Light Brigade
- The Stars Are Legion
- Nyx series
- Rapture
- Apocalypse Nyx
- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
- Alexander Jablokov
- Carve the Sky
- Deepdrive
- A Deeper Sea
- Nimbus
- River of Dust
- K. W. Jeter
- The Glass Hammer
- Farewell Horizontal
- Infernal Devices
- Moorlock Night
- Simon Jimenez, The Vanished Birds
- Gwyneth Jones
- Bold as Love
- Flowerdust
- North Wind
- White Queen
- Richard Kadrey, Metrophage
- Janet Kagan, Hellspark
- James Patrick Kelly, Burn
- John Kessel
- Good News from Outer Space
- Corrupting Dr. Nice
- Caitlin R. Kiernan
- A Is For Alien
- The Dry Salvages
- Nancy Kress
- Beggars in Spain
- Dogs
- Steal Across the Sky
- Mur Lafferty, Six Wakes
- Kristin Landon, The Dark Reaches
- David Langford
- Different Kinds of Darkness
- The Leaky Establishment
- The Space Eater
- Up Through an Empty House of Stars
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- City of Illusion
- Planet of Exile
- Left Hand of Darkness
- The Wind's 12 Quarters
- The Lathe of Heaven
- A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
- The Telling
- Voices
- The Word for World Is Forest
- The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas
- The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories
- Where on Earth
- Outer Space, Inner Lands
- Fritz Leiber
- The Green Millennium
- The Wanderer
- Murray Leinster, First Contacts; The Essential Murray Leinster
- Stanislaw Lem
- The Chain of Chance
- Eden
- Fiasco
- Hospital of the Transfiguration
- Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Mortal Engines
- Highcastle
- Return from the Stars
- The Investigation
- Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- A Stanislaw Lem Reader [Review by Danny Yee]
- Doris Lessing, Mara and Dann
- Jonathan Lethem
- Amensia Moon
- Girl in Landscape
- Gun, with Occasional Music
- As She Climbed Across the Table [about really falling in love with your experiment]
- Jane Lindskold, Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls
- Cixin Liu, The Dark Forest
- Elizabeth A. Lynn, The Sardonyx Net
- Ken MacLeod
- The Corporation Wars
- Dissidence
- Insurgence
- Emergence
- Descent
- The Execution Channel
- Giant Lizards from Another Star
- The Human Front
- Intrusion
- Lightspeed
- Beyond the Hallowed Sky
- Beyond the Reach of Earth
- Newton's Wake
- The Night Sessions
- The Stone Canal
- The Corporation Wars
- George R. R. Martin
- The Armageddon Rag
- Dying of the Light
- Nightflyers
- Portraits of His Children
- Sandkings
- Arkady Martine, A Memory Called Empire
- David Marusek, Counting Heads
- Paul J. McAuley
- Austral
- Beyond the Burn Line
- Cowboy Angels
- Eternal Light
- Evening's Empires
- Four Hundred Billion Stars
- The Invisible Country
- The King of the Hill
- Little Machines
- Mind's Eye
- Players
- Of the Fall
- Red Dust
- Secret Harmonies
- Stories from the Quiet War
- Strange Angels
- A Very British History
- The White Devils
- The Whole Wide World
- Michael McCloskey, The Trilisk Ruins
- Ian McDonald
- Brasyl
- The Broken Land [=Hearts, Hands and Voices]
- Cyberabad Days
- The Dervish House
- Desolation Road
- Empire Dreams
- Evolution's Shore [=Chaga]
- Kirinya [Sequel to Chaga]
- Luna: New Moon [J. D. Nicoll is isn't taken with it, but McDonald has a lot of good will built up with me]
- River of Gods
- Sacrifice of Fools
- Speaking in Tongues
- Terminal Cafe [=Necroville]
- Sandra McDonald
- The Stars Down Under
- The Stars Blue Yonder
- Maureen McHugh
- After the Apocalypse: Stories
- Mission Child
- Nekropolis
- Patricia McKillip, Moon-Flash = Moon-Flash and The Moon and the Face
- Sean McMullen, Eyes of the Calculor
- China Mieville, Embassytown
- Walter Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz
- Laura Mixon, Glass Houses
- David Moles, Seven Cities of Gold
- James Morrow, This Is the Way the World Ends
- Elizabeth Moon, The Speed of Dark
- C. L. Moore, Judgment Night
- Derryl Murphy, Wasps at the Speed of Sound
- Pat Murphy
- Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell
- The City, Not Long After
- Ramez Naam, Nexus
- Linda Nagata
- Inverted Frontier series
- Blade
- The Last Good Man
- Light and Shadow: Eight Stories
- Limits of Vision
- Memory
- Pacific Storm
- The Red: Going Dark
- Skye Object 3270a
- Tech-Heaven
- Inverted Frontier series
- Jamil Nasir
- Distance Haze
- Tower of Dreams
- The Houses of Time
- Eric S. Nylund, Signal to Noise
- Annyn Atanielle Noel
- The Duchess of Kneedeep
- Speaker to Heaven
- Murder on Usher's Planet
- Megan E. O'Keefe
- Velocity Weapon
- The Blighted Stars
- Nnedi Okorafor, Lagoon
- Malka Older, Infomocracy
- Patrick O'Leary, Door Number Three
- Rebecca Ore, Becoming Alien et seq.
- Ada Palmer
- Seven Surrenders
- The Will to Battle
- Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
- Paul Park
- All Those Vanishd Engines
- Celestis
- The Cult of Loving Kindness
- The Sugar Festival
- Marge Piercy, He, She and It
- Doris Piserchia
- A Billion Days of Earth
- The Spinner
- Frederik Pohl
- Platinum Pohl
- The Way the Future Was
- Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth, Gladiator-at-Law
- Rachel Pollack, Temporary Agency
- Adam Rakunas, Windswept
- Robert Reed
- Beneath the Gated Sky
- An Exaltation of Larks
- Marrow
- Sister Alice
- Well of Stars
- Alastair Reynolds
- Absolution Gap
- Blue Remembered Earth
- Chasm City
- Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
- Elysium Fire
- Galactic North
- House of Suns
- Pushing Ice
- Revenger
- The Six Directions of Space
- Terminal World
- Zima Blue and Other Stories
- K. Richardson, Blood Orbit
- Keith Robertson, Pavane
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Antractica
- Forty Signs of Rain et seq.
- Galileo's Dream
- Three Californias trilogy
- Red Mars trilogy
- 2312
- Ministry for the Future
- Justina Robson
- Silver Screen
- Natural History
- Joanna Russ
- The Adventures of Alyx
- And Chaos Died
- The Female Man
- The Hidden Side of the Moon
- Picnic on Paradise
- Souls
- Richard Paul Russo
- Carlucci [= omnibus of Destroying Angel, Carlucci's Edge and Carlucci's Heart]
- Ship of Fools
- Geoff Ryman
- Air
- The Child Garden: A Low Comedy
- Nick Sagan, Idlewild
- Scott R. Sanders, The Engineer of Beasts
- William Sanders
- The Ballad of Billy Badass and the Rose of Turkestan
- Journey to Fusang
- Pamela Sargent
- Venus of Dreams
- Venus of Shadows
- Earthseed
- Shore of Women
- Watchstar
- Robert Sawyer
- Frameshift
- Terminal Experiment
- John Scalzi
- The Android's Dream
- The Collapsing Empire
- Lock In
- Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
- Nothing Sacred
- Last Refuge
- Hilbert Schenck, Steam Bird
- Karl Schroeder
- Ventus
- Permanence
- Lady of Mazes
- Melissa Scott, Dreamships
- James H. Schmitz
- A Pride of Monsters
- The Eternal Frontiers
- Carolyn See
- Making History
- Golden Days
- Carol Severance ["anthropological" sf]
- Sheckley, Options
- Lucius Shepard
- Beast of the Heartland, and Other Stories
- Kalimantan
- Life During Wartime
- Joel Shepherd
- Kill-Switch
- Renegade
- Will Shetterly, Chimera
- Martin L. Shoemaker, The Last Dance
- Joel Shepherd, Renegade
- Sharon Shinn, Archangel
- Susan Shwartz, Second Chances
- Robert Silverberg
- The Alien Years
- Born with the Dead
- Dying Inside
- The Face of the Waters
- The Gate of Worlds
- Hot Sky at Midnight
- Lord Valentine's Castle
- The Man in the Maze
- The Mountains of Majipoor
- Thorns
- Tower of Glass
- Clifford Simak
- City
- Ring Around the Sun
- Cemetary World
- Time Is the Simplest Thing
- Time and Again
- Way Station
- Dan Simmons
- The Hollow Man
- Ilium and Olympos
- Muse of Fire
- Phases of Gravity SF, he says]
- The Best of John Sladek
- Joan
- Daughter of Elysium
- The Wall Around Eden
- The Children Star
- Brainplague
- Cordwainer Smith (pseud. of Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger)
- Norstrilia
- The Rediscovery of Mann: The Complete Short Science Fiction
- Kristine Smith
- Rules of Conflict
- Law of Survival
- Michael Marshall Smith, Only Forward
- Sherwood Smith and Dave Trowbridge, The Phoenix in Flight
- Wen Spencer, Endless Blue
- Brian Stableford, The Werewolves of London
- Olaf Stapeldon
- Odd John
- Sirius
- Allan Steele, The Tranquility Alternative
- Neal Stephenson, Anathem
- Bruce Sterling
- The Artificial Kid
- Gothic High-Tech
- Globalhead
- Involution Ocean
- Robot Artists and Black Swans: The Italian Fantascienza Stories
- Visionary in Residence
- (ed.), Mirrorshades
- Caroline Stevermer, River Rats
- John E. Stith, Manhattan Transfer
- Charles Stross
- Accelerando
- Glasshouse
- Neptune's Brood
- Toast
- The Brothers Stugartski
- The Final Circle of Paradise
- Hard to Be a God
- Noon: 22nd Century
- Theodore Sturgeon
- The Dreaming Jewels
- E Pluribus Unicorn
- The Golden Helix
- More than Human
- Some of Your Blood
- Venus Plus X
- Tricia Sullivan, Maul
- Michael Swanwick
- Bones of the Earth
- Dancing with Bears
- The Dog Said Bow-Wow
- Gravity's Angels
- In the Drift
- Tales of Old Earth
- Judith Tarr, Forgotten Suns
- Adrian Tchaikovsky, Elder Race
- Jeffrey Thomas, Monstrocity
- Joyce Thompson, Conscience Palace
- "James Tiptree, Jr." (pseud. of the late Alice Sheldon)
- Brightness Falls from the Air [Review by Danny Yee]
- Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
- Up the Walls of the World
- Wilson Tucker
- Ice and Iron
- The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Catherynne M. Valente, The Past Is Red
- Jeff VanderMeer, Borne
- John Varley
- The Barbie Murders
- The Golden Globe
- Mammoth
- Millennium
- The Ophiuchi Hotline
- Steel Beach
- Wizard
- Carrie Vaughn, Martians Abroad
- Joan Vinge
- Eyes of Amber, and Other Stories
- The Outcasts of Heaven's Belt
- Snow Queen et seq.
- Vernor Vinge
- A Fire Upon the Deep [Review by Danny Yee]
- A Deepness in the Sky
- Elisabeth Vonarburg, The Silent City
- Howard Waldrop
- Sage Walker, Whiteout
- Jo Walton, My Real Children
- Andy Weir, The Martian
- Martha Wells
- Artificial Condition
- Exit Strategy
- Rogue Protocol
- Cherry Wilder
- Second Nature
- Signs of Life
- Kate Wilhelm
- The Best Defense
- Crazy Time
- The Killing Thing
- Welcome, Chaos
- Where Late the Sweet Bird Sang
- Liz Williams
- Banner of Souls
- Poison Master
- Walter Jon
- Diamonds from Tequila
- Frankensteins and Foreign Devils
- The Green Leopard Plague
- Imperium Restored
- Connie Willis
- All Seated on the Ground
- Blackout
- D.A.
- Inside Job
- Lincoln's Dreams
- Miracle
- Passages
- Road to Roswell
- Daniel H. Wilson, How to Survive a Robot Uprising
- Robert Charles Wilson
- The Affinities
- The Chronoliths
- Darwinia: A Novel of a Very Different Twentieth Century
- Spin
- Gene Wolfe
- The Book of the Long Sun
- The Book of the Short Sun
- Endangered Species
- The Fifth Head of Cerebrus
- Home Fires
- Urth of the New Sun
- Dingbo Wu and Patrick Murphy, eds., Science Fiction from China
- John Wyndham
- Chocky
- The Chrysalids
- Consider Her Ways
- The Hidden People
- Jizzle
- Roger Zelazny
- Today We Choose Faces
- Bridge of Ashes
- Sarah Zettel
- Kingdom of Cages
- Playing God
- Reclamation
- Joe Zieja, Communication Failure
- To read, about SF:
- Carl Abbott, Frontiers Past and Future: Science Fiction and the American West
- Brian Aldiss, Trillion Year Spree
- Paul K. Alkon, Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology
- Camille Bacon-Smith, Science Fiction Culture
- Michael Bérubé, The Ex-Human: Science Fiction and the Fate of Our Species
- Mark Brake and Neil Hook, Different Engines: How Science Drives Fiction and Fiction Drives Science
- Damien Broderick
- The Spike
- X, Y, Z, T: Dimensions of Science Fiction
- Seo-Young Chu, Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep? A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation
- Frank L. Cioffi, Formula Fiction? An Anatomy of American Science Fiction, 1930--40
- Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction
- Thomas M. Disch, The Dreams Our Stuff is Made of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World
- Peter S. Fisher, Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic
- Karl S. Guthke, The Last Frontier: Imagining Other Worlds, from the Copernican Revolution to Modern Science Fiction [Review in Isis]
- Noah Heringman, Deep Time: A Literary History
- Kameron Hurley, Geek Feminist Revolution
- Patricia Kerslake, Science Fiction and Empire
- David Ketterer, New Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature
- Nikolai Krementsov, Revolutionary Experiments: The Quest for Immortality in Bolshevik Science and Fiction
- Brooks Landon, Science Fiction after 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars
- Stanislaw Lem, Microworlds
- Andrew May, Pseudoscience and Science Fiction
- Alec Nevala-Lee, Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction
- Alexei Panshin, Heinlein in Dimension [Full text free online, along with other critical writings by Panshin on Heinlein]
- Alexei and Cory Panshin, The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence [Review by Danny Yee]
- Mark Payne, Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction
- Constance Penley, NASA/TREK: Popular Science and Sex in America
- Julie Phillips, James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon
- Manu Saadia, Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek
- John Rieder
- Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction [Review by Danny Yee]
- Science Fiction and the Mass Cultural Genre System
- Peter Stockwell, The Poetics of Science Fiction
- Jo Walton, What Makes This Book So Great
- Patricia S. Warrick, The Cybernetic Imagination in Science Fiction