"Going Online: Should we do it? How? Why? What do we gain? What do we lose?" (Next Week, Instead of the Statistics Seminar)
Next week, instead of the regular seminar, the CMU statistics department
will be hosting a panel on experience with online statistics education, including massive open online courses:
- "Going Online: Should we do it? How? Why? What do we gain? What do we lose?"
- Panelists: Emma Brunskill; Brian Caffo;
Jeff Leek; Marsha Lovett; Roger Peng; Chad Schafer
- Moderators: Rebecca Nugent and Ryan Tibshirani
- Time and place: 3:30--5:00 pm on Monday, 29 April 2013, in Baker Hall A51 ("Giant Eagle Auditorium")
I look forward to this very much, even if I do plan to
channel Tim Burke and/or
Adam Kotsko.
Corrupting the Young
Posted at April 24, 2013 22:54 | permanent link