Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, March 2006
Attention conservation notice: I have no taste.
- Terry Pratchett, Thud!
- One of the things which makes Terry Pratchett a good satirist is
that it is not possible to directly map things (at least not important
ones) in his stories on to our world, even though they are obviously connected.
But then, he is the contemporary avatar of Anatole France... (And:
thank you, "Uncle Jan".)
- Patricia Briggs, Raven's
Shadow and Raven's Strike
- Entertaining and nicely done (if not very deep) fantasy novels. Good
rainy-weekend books. (The cover of the second one is appalling, however.)
- Don
Herzog, Poisoning
the Minds of the Lower Orders
- Or: the birth of conservatism out of the spirit of contempt — at
least in England in the aftermath of the French Revolution.
Books to Read While the
Algae Grow in Your Fur
Posted at March 31, 2006 23:59 | permanent link