Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, August 2019
conservation notice: I have no taste, and no qualifications to say
anything about cognitive science, philosophy, Marxism, intellectual history, or
even, really, machinery.
- Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber, The Enigma of Reason
- It is impossible for me to do justice to this extraordinarily rich book.
To put it very, very crudely: Mercier and Sperber's position is that human
reason did not evolve to assist us in accurately understanding the world and
our place in it. Rather, reason evolved to persuade others, to justify our
positions and actions to others, and to evaluate others' attempts at persuasion
and justification. This, they say, makes sense out of otherwise very confusing
phenomena. On the one hand, there are extremely well-documented cognitive
biases, where people seem to be very bad at reasoning. On the other hand,
people are much better at picking apart other people's ideas than they
are at evaluating their own. (This also helps make sense of how psychologists
can detect cognitive biases. [The alternative would be that
psychologists are more rational than other human beings, but I daresay anyone
who has met an academic psychologist can rule that out.]) Effect rationality
in the honorific sense thus emerges as a social and collective property, rather
than an individual one.
- As I said, this is only a crude sketch of a deeply thought-out position. I
have said nothing about their account of reason-the-faculty as a cognitive
module acting intuitively on certain kinds of representations, for example.
(Nor how it ties in to Sperber's career-long interests
in meta-representation and relevance theory.)
Earlier versions of Mercier and Sperber's arguments deeply influenced my work
with Henry Farrell on cognitive
democracy, and it's one of the sources we're drawing on (slowly)
for Actually, "Dr. Internet" Is the Name of
the Monsters' Creator. This is the first full-length presentation
of their views, in a form which has been modified to account for (what else?)
criticism. If you find anything I write which doesn't involve sigmas
interesting, you should read it. §
- ObLinkage 1: Precis by Mercier and Sperber.
- ObLinkage 2 (2020): Henry beautifully (!) combining Mercier and Sperber with George
Eliot (!).
- Disclaimer: I've never met Sperber, but a chance encounter
with Explaining
Culture shaped me deeply; I know Mercier well enough to invite him
to workshops, and he's a collaborator of collaborators.
- Nancy Kress, Oaths and Miracles and Stinger
- Mind-candy biomedical thrillers (1996, 1998), re-read on encountering their
electronic versions. They hold up as novels, though as plausible thrillers
they suffer from being pre-9/11. §
- Basic Machines and How They Work [1965]
- I enjoyed this tremendously, and I really wonder what the modern version
must be like. §
- Harry Austryn Wolfson, The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfolding the Latent Process of His Reasoning [1934]
- An attempt to show that
the first philosopher of
modernity actually proceeded by taking the medieval,
more-or-less-Aristotlean tradition of scholastic philosophy very
seriously, applying its premises and modes of argument with more rigor and
consistency than it had managed. Primarily it's a reading of
the Ethics, arguing that its order of exposition follows that of
medieval philosophical compendia and curricula, and trying to trace premises
and arguments back to predecessors. It's beyond my competence to evaluate its
historical merits, but it's definitely a remarkable work of erudition in its
own right. (I want to believe.) §
- Sujata Massey, The Widows of Malabar Hill
- Mind-candy historical mystery, set in early 20th century Bombay among the
Indian elites. Enjoyable, but it made me miss my grandmother (who was a
generation younger than Massey's heroine, but from a comparable background,
though Christian rather than Parsi).
- Stuart Jeffries, The Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the
Frankfurt School
- A barely-tolerable journalistic, biographical introduction to
the Frankfurt
School, more focused on the personalities of its thinkers (especially:
Adorno, Benjamin, Fromm, Horkheimer, and Marcuse, plus Habermas) than on
expounding or evaluating their ideas. (As I said: journalistic.) But, even
taking that as the goal, many things about it irritated me. Jeffries is, to
put it kindly, less than sure-footed when it comes to the classical Marxism
which the School was shaped by and reacted against*, and not much better on the larger cultural
context**. The concluding chapter
about the School's contemporary relevance is, precisely, far too contemporary,
and I'm sure will seem painfully dated very soon. But beyond this I suspect
there was a sheer clash of temperaments between author and reader. I can't
make myself recommend it, but I also can't think of anything better, at this
level of popular accessibility. §
- *: He badly mangles the labor
theory of value and Marx's account of how wage labor under capitalism is
exploitative the very first time he brings it up, for example. I quote from
chapter 3: "When a chair or an iphone [sic] is sold, it is exchanged for
another commodity (money for instance). The exchange takes no account of the
labor that went into the chair's making, still less that, for example, of
Apple's overstressed and underpaid workers". I stress that this is presented
as part of an account of Marxist theories of commodity fetishism and
alienation! Subsequent mentions of value are no better. If Jeffries
ever read Capital
I, or
even Marx
for Beginners, it didn't stick. (Also, no editor --- no
editor at
Verso --- thought this worth correcting.) In the same chapter, his
account of Grossman's argument for a falling rate of profit is just a
mathematical mistake (increasing the denominator of a ratio won't decrease the
ratio unless the numerator also remains unchanged [or shrinks]). Not having
read Grossman, I can't say whether Jeffries is faithfully (and uncritically)
reproducing Grossman's mistake, or whether he's introduced a new error. --- All of which being said, the Frankfurt School thinkers Jeffries is most
concerned with were notoriously detached from mere political
economy. ^
- **: In chapter 2, Jeffries
goes on at some length about how Walter Benjamin's nostalgia was different from
Proust's, because the former involved a recognition that the nostalgized past
was a transient historical episode, a social formation that came into being and
passed away, like all others, no matter how eternal they may seem from the
inside.insidmoment. Stipulate that this is true. (I make no claims to
interpreting Proust.) How is this recognition of historical transience a
revolutionary Marxist act, rather than common or garden historicism, widely
found in European high culture since say 1800, often on the part of
reactionaries? (Of course, we call many other things "historicism" as well,
but this is one of them.) To be fair,
Benjamin sometimes wrote as though it were a revolutionary Marxist
act, but why take him at his word?
- I might also complain about the depictions
of Bachofen (who
thought the transition to patriarchy was an advance), of Max Weber, or
indeed of multiple others, but I will just mention the account
of Otto Neurath, whose
life and work I know well. Neurath was one of the chief figures in the Vienna
Circle and a leading thinker
of Logical
Positivism. Thus, per the Frankfurt School, he must have been an
ideologist of capitalism. He was also a committed socialist and
Marxist, who, unlike the Frankfurt Schoolers, didn't just denounce capitalism
in ways no worker could understand, but thought hard about how to actually run
a planned, socialist economy, actively participated in trying to do
just that during the transient "Soviet Republics" in post-WWI Germany, and
devoted much of his life and work to concrete projects to improve the life,
including the cultural life and the social knowledge, of the working class,
both in Vienna and in exile in England. If one set out to systematically
create a counter-example to Frankfurt's ideas about positivism, one could
hardly do better; and by Jeffries's values, as displayed in this book, Neurath
is a much more admirable figure than many of the Frankfurters. This gives
Jeffries absolutely no pause for thought. ^
- Norman
Geras, Literature
of Revolution: Essays on Marxism
- Well-written but now dated essays, from when Geras was a believer.
Probably now only for Geras completists (like me). §
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur;
Minds, Brains, and Neurons;
The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts;
Pleasures of Detection, Portraits of Crime;
Scientifiction and Fantastica;
The Progressive Forces;
Tales of Our Ancestors;
Writing for Antiquity;
Posted at August 31, 2019 23:59 | permanent link