"Partitioning a Large Simulation as It Runs" (Next Week at the Statistics Seminar)
Attention conservation notice: Only of interest if you (1) care about running large simulations which are actually good for something, and (2)
will be in Pittsburgh on Tuesday.
- Kary Myers, "Partitioning a Large Simulation as It Runs" (Technometrics forthcoming)
- Abstract: As computer simulations continue to grow in size and complexity, they
present a particularly challenging class of big data problems. Many
application areas are moving toward exascale computing systems, systems
that perform $10^{18}$ FLOPS (FLoating-point Operations Per Second) --- a
billion billion calculations per second. Simulations at this scale can
generate output that exceeds both the storage capacity and the bandwidth
available for transfer to storage, making post-processing and analysis
challenging. One approach is to embed some analyses in the simulation
while the simulation is running --- a strategy often called in situ analysis ---
to reduce the need for transfer to storage. Another strategy is to save only
a reduced set of time steps rather than the full simulation. Typically
the selected time steps are evenly spaced, where the spacing can be defined
by the budget for storage and transfer. Our work combines both of these ideas
to introduce an online in situ method for identifying a reduced set of
time steps of the simulation to save. Our approach significantly reduces
the data transfer and storage requirements, and it provides improved
fidelity to the simulation to facilitate post-processing and reconsruction.
We illustrate the method using a computer simulation that supported NASA's
2009 Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission.
- Time and place: 4--5 pm on Tuesday, 10 May 2016, in Baker Hall 235B
As always, the talk is free and open to the public.
Enigmas of Chance
Posted at May 04, 2016 23:50 | permanent link