"Data science methods to reduce inequality and improve healthcare" (Also Next Week at the Statistics Seminar)
conservation notice: Announcement of a highly technical talk, in a
subject you're not interested in, at a university you're not near.
- Emma Pierson, "Data science methods to reduce inequality and improve healthcare"
- Abstract: I will describe how to use data science methods to
understand and reduce inequality in two domains: criminal justice and
healthcare. First, I will discuss how to use Bayesian modeling to
detect racial discrimination in policing. Second, I will describe how
to use machine learning to explain racial and socioeconomic inequality
in pain.
- Time and place: 4--5 pm on Wednesday, 5 February 2020, in Hamerschlag Hall B103
As always, talks are free and open to the public.
Enigmas of Chance;
Commit a Social Science
Posted at January 29, 2020 13:45 | permanent link