How to Change the World
This will be extremely cool: Judea Pearl, one of the greatest
names in the fields of causality and probabilistic
graphical models, is coming to Ann Arbor next week.
- Reasoning with Cause and Effect
- Dr. Pearl's talk will review concepts, principles, and mathematical tools
that were found useful in applications involving causal reasoning. The
principles are based on structural-model semantics, in which functional (or
counterfactual) relationships, representing autonomous physical processes are
the fundamental building blocks. This semantical framework, enriched with a few
ideas from logic and graph theory, enables one to interpret and assess a wide
variety of causal and counterfactual relationships from various combinations of
data and theoretical modeling assumptions.
Tuesday, 9 November, 2:15 to 3:45 in room 6050 of the Institute for Social
Research, Central Campus. This will be worthwhile if you have any interest
whatsoever in understanding what makes things happen.
Engimas of Chance;
Posted at November 05, 2004 19:10 | permanent link