November 05, 2004

How to Change the World

This will be extremely cool: Judea Pearl, one of the greatest names in the fields of causality and probabilistic graphical models, is coming to Ann Arbor next week.

Reasoning with Cause and Effect
Dr. Pearl's talk will review concepts, principles, and mathematical tools that were found useful in applications involving causal reasoning. The principles are based on structural-model semantics, in which functional (or counterfactual) relationships, representing autonomous physical processes are the fundamental building blocks. This semantical framework, enriched with a few ideas from logic and graph theory, enables one to interpret and assess a wide variety of causal and counterfactual relationships from various combinations of data and theoretical modeling assumptions.

Tuesday, 9 November, 2:15 to 3:45 in room 6050 of the Institute for Social Research, Central Campus. This will be worthwhile if you have any interest whatsoever in understanding what makes things happen.

Engimas of Chance; Philosophy

Posted at November 05, 2004 19:10 | permanent link

Three-Toed Sloth