A Thought I Have No Time to Pursue
Start with your favorite
large Erdos-Renyi random
graph. Color all of the nodes, in such a manner that the number of nodes
of a given color follows a strongly skewed distribution, perhaps a power law.
(Exponential growth
easily gives power-law size distributions.) Now form the aggregated graph,
with one node for each color, and an edge between colors if any two
disaggregated nodes of those colors are linked. Query: What is the
degree distribution of the aggregated graph? (Inspired by thinking, while
walking home, about attempts to model the structure of the Internet at
the autonomous
system level. Why I was doing that, I have no idea.)
Update, later that
night: Aaron Clauset writes to
point me to this paper:
- M. Fayed, P. Krapivsky, J.W. Byers, M. Crovella, D. Finkel and S. Redner,
"On the emergence of highly variable distributions in the autonomous system
topology", ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review 33 (2003): 41--49
reprint via Prof. Redner]
- Abstract (omitting references): Recent studies observe that vertex
degree in the autonomous systems (AS) graph exhibits a highly variable
distribution. The most prominent explanatory model for this phenomenon is the
Barabasi-Albert (B-A) model. A central feature of the B-A model is preferential
connectivity --- meaning that the likelihood a new node in a growing graph will
connect to an existing node is proportional to the existing node's degree. In
this paper we ask whether a more general explanation than the B-A model, and
absent the assumption of preferential connectivity, is consistent with
empirical data. We are motivated by two observations: first, AS degree and AS
size are highly correlated; and second, highly variable AS size can arise
simply through exponential growth. We construct a model incorporating
exponential growth in the size of the Internet and in the number of ASes, and
show that it yields a size distribution exhibiting a power-law tail. In such a
model, if an AS's link formation is roughly proportional to its size, then AS
out-degree will also show high variability. Moreover, our approach is more
flexible than previous work, since the choice of which AS to connect to does
not impact high variability, thus can be freely specified. We instantiate such
a model with empirically derived estimates of historical growth rates and show
that the resulting degree distribution is in good agreement with that of real
AS graphs.
This isn't exactly the model I had in mind; it's more realistic,
for the Internet, than aggregating a static random graph. (I'm pleased to see
that people who know what they're doing also thought to employ the idea that
exponential growth leads to a power-law size distribution; presumably a
re-invention, since they don't cite Reed and Hughes.) I remain a bit curious
about the effects of aggregating a random network, but now will
definitely not pursue it.
Update, 7 October: Aaron was too well-bred to point out his
own papers on why many (in
fact, almost all)
networks seem to have power-law link distributions, when you
probe them the wrong way.
Fortunately, someone reminded me.
Update, 21
October: This
looks relevant, if anyone's interested.
Enigmas of
Power Laws
Posted at October 04, 2005 21:46 | permanent link