It's Not Who You Know, It's What You Do
Blog near-silence will continue until bootstrap testing results improve.
In the meanwhile, it occurs to me that I haven't mentioned that I have a new
- CRS, Marcelo F. Camperi
and Kristina Lisa
Klinkner, "Discovering Functional Communities in Dynamical
Networks", q-bio.NC/0609008, forthcoming
in the proceedings of the ICML 2006
workshop on "Statistical
Network Analysis: Models, Issues and New Directions" (Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science)
- Abstract: Many networks are important because they are substrates
for dynamical systems, and their pattern of functional connectivity can itself
be dynamic — they can functionally reorganize, even if their underlying
anatomical structure remains fixed. However, the recent rapid progress in
discovering the
community structure of networks has overwhelmingly focused on that constant
anatomical connectivity. In this paper, we lay out the problem of
discovering functional communities, and describe an approach to doing
so. This method combines recent work
on measuring information sharing
across stochastic networks with
an existing and successful
community-discovery algorithm for weighted networks. We illustrate it with
an application to a large biophysical model of the transition from beta to
gamma rhythms in the hippocampus.
Thanks — over and above the acknowledgments in the paper &mdash are
due to Jörg Reichardt for help implementing his algorithm, and to
Anna Goldenberg for very thorough
(not to mention patient!) editing, resulting in a much better paper.
There are about a zillion possible extensions and applications, which is a
good note on which to get back to work.
Minds, Brains, and Neurons
Posted at October 02, 2006 17:50 | permanent link