I broke down and submitted a paper to the Social Information Processing symposium; we'll see what the referees think of it. (I only submitted this to arxiv.org's "Computers and Society" category, and do not know how it got cross-listed under "Physics and Society".)
Long-time readers will probably not find much that's new in it, but it did force me to finally implement the model of neutral cultural diffusion in assortative social networks I've had in mind for about two years. The simulation (code available on request) confirmed that homophily plus diffusion together tend to make social types correlate with cultural traits, just as though there were some actual causal or expressive connection between the two. That needs to be another paper on its own, which will I dare say entail re-writing the simulation in something other than Perl.
Also, driven by peer pressure and not wanting to feel too much like the eunuch in the bordello, I went and got an account on del.icio.us and Facebook, to go with the ones on LibraryThing and (thanks, Aaron!) Dopplr. I share this in part as a warning: if I'm using them, they're about to become terribly, terribly unfashionable (if they haven't already).
The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts; Networks; Complexity; Self-Centered
Posted at October 27, 2007 16:00 | permanent link