Attention conservation notice: Publicity for a talk at CMU next week. Of limited interest if you're not free and in Pittsburgh at 4 pm on Monday the 14th.
We are very happy to have Nathan Eagle, of the Media Lab and SFI, as our seminar speaker next week, talking about the extremely cool work he's been doing on some extremely large social networks.
In this talk I describe how this type of data can be used to uncover the structure in behavior of both individuals and organizations, infer relationships, and study social network dynamics. By combining theoretical models with rich and systematic measurements, we show it is possible to gain insight into the underlying behavior of complex social systems.
While results such as uncovering scaling laws from the communication patterns of hundreds of millions of people will certainly be one emphasis in this talk, of equal importance is how this data can enable applications that improve our society. I will demonstrate a variety ways these insights into our own behaviors can be used to develop applications that better support both the individual, organization and society.
The talk is of course free and open to the public; come if it sounds interesting (unless you're like some people who attend talks in Santa Fe [not that Nathan's work is remotely comparable to Sheldrake's]).
Networks; Enigmas of Chance; Complexity; Commit a Social Science
Posted at April 10, 2008 08:40 | permanent link