August 06, 2012

Work for My Friends! (Dept. of Signal Amplification)

Attention conservation notice: You are almost certainly not looking for a post-doc in network modeling.

My friends and co-authors are hiring post-docs to work on network data analysis. It's a great opportunity, and you should apply if you're good.

The Santa Fe Institute — a private, not-for-profit, theoretical research and education facility — has an opening for a full-time postdoc working on the study of networks. Funded by DARPA, the project focuses on the use of generative models to perform statistical inference. Based at the Santa Fe Institute, the postdoc will work closely with Professors Cristopher Moore, Santa Fe Institute (SFI); Aaron Clauset, University of Colorado (UC); and Mark Newman, University of Michigan (UM), and will have opportunities to travel to UC and UM. They are especially interested in community detection methods, including methods for detecting changes in community structure in dynamic graphs; functional groups that are not merely "clumps" of densely connected nodes; predicting missing links and identifying spurious ones; building on incomplete or noisy information about the network, generalizing from known attributes of nodes and edges to unknown ones; and identifying surprising or anomalous structures or events.

The ideal candidate would be a confident programmer with strong analytical skills, and with a background in computer science, physics, applied mathematics, or other fields with strong quantitative training. Our main tools are Monte Carlo and message-passing algorithms, coupled with ideas from statistical physics. Familiarity with one or more of these techniques is desirable, but is not a requirement.

Subject to performance and available funding, the position will last up to three years, with an initial appointment of 18 months and a possible renewal for another 18 months. The expected start date is Summer or Fall of 2013, although for postdocs who already have their degree a slightly earlier start date may be possible.

This is a resident position, and postdoctoral fellows are strongly encouraged to interact and collaborate with members of the larger SFI community. The annual starting salary for the position will be \$52,250 with full employee benefits including insurance, paid time off, and modest relocation support. Additional resources are available to assist with travel and other research needs.

To apply, please send an email containing your CV and a 1-page research statement to bkimbell [at], with "DARPA postdoc" in the subject line. Please include names and contact information of at least three references. Full consideration will be given to applications received before January 13, 2013. For additional information or assistance, email Barbara or fax your request to 505-982-0565. You may also email Prof. Moore at moore [at] No phone calls please.

The Santa Fe Institute is an equal opportunity employer, and women, veterans, and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.

There will also be a parallel post-doc at Boulder, on the same terms; apply to that the same way.

Signal Amplification; Networks; Complexity; Enigmas of Chance

Posted at August 06, 2012 23:10 | permanent link

Three-Toed Sloth