Social Networks
Last update: 09 Feb 2025 03:49First version: August 2004
Miscellaneous unsupported hunches: What sociologists, following Burt (?), call "constraint" is not a good measure of how constrained social actors are. This is because it looks only at their current actual ties, not at what other ties they could have, if they wanted to or needed to. But I should just read Burt before having a definite opinion on this.
--- Although many of the relevant papers appear in the journal Social Networks, published by Elsevier, a company known to also publish advertising disguised as peer-reviewed scientific journals (e.g., The Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine), I know of no particular reason to believe that their findings are actually meretricious propaganda on behalf of a paying client. It would, however, be better if the community would shift to a journal whose publisher did not pollute the process of scientific communication whenever it was profitable to do so.
- See also:
- Assortative Social Networks and Neutral Cultural Evolution
- Citations and Citation Networks
- Community Discovery
- Complex Networks
- Epidemics on Networks
- Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
- Experiments on Social Networks
- Homophily vs. Influence
- Input-Output Models in Economics
- Institutions and Organizations
- Joint Modeling of Text and Networks
- Network Data Analysis
- Networks of Political Actors
- Social Contagion
- Sociology
- Sociology of Science
- Terrorism
- Recommended, big picture:
- David Easley and Jon Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World
- Linton C. Freeman, The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science
- John Levi Martin, Social Structures
- John Scott, Social Network Analysis: A Handbook [Short introductory text. Good on the sociology, but the implied reader is not at all comfortable with math, which can be tedious if you are.]
- S. Wasserman and K. Faust, Social Network Analysis [See under Analysis of Network Data]
- Recommended, close-ups (very misc.):
- R. Alberich, J. Miro-Julia and F. Rossello, "Marvel Universe looks almost like a real social network," cond-mat/0202174 [The small world of superhero comic books. Of course, in the end, we are all connected via Death --- whoops, wrong mythos.]
- John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy [From RAND, the people who brought you the American strategy in Indochina. But nonetheless interesting. Online.]
- M. Arvidsson, F. Collet and P. Hedstr¨m, "The Trojan-horse mechanism: How networks reduce gender segregation", Science Advances 7 (2021): eabf6730
- Wayne E. Baker, Achieving Success through Social Capital: Tapping the Hidden Resources in Your Personal and Business Networks [Don't snicker so. Baker is actually very good on social networks, and does a nice job of explaining the ideas here, in the service of helping people do better in their professional lives. The first chapter, "What Is Social Capital and Why Should You Care About It?", is available for free as a PDF]
- Wayne E. Baker and Robert R. Faulkner, "Social Networks and Loss of Capital", Social Networks 26 (2004): 91--111 [If you must invest in a dodgy company, be friends with the management. PDF]
- Peter S. Bearman, James Moody and Katherine Stovel, "Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks", American Journal of Sociology 110 (2004): 44--91 [PDF]
- Vaughan Bell, C. Maiden, A. Munoz-Solomando and V. Reddy, "'Mind control experiences' on the internet: Implications for the psychiatric diagnosis of delusions", Psychopathology 39 (2006): 87--91 [pdf; my comments]
- Peter M. Blau, "A Macrosociological Theory of Social Structure", American Journal of Sociology 83 (1977): 26--54 [Interesting conjectures; I didn't find the pretense of their being rigorously derived from axioms more geometrico convincing, or charming. JSTOR]
- Arun Chandrasekhar and Matthew O. Jackson, "Tractable and Consistent Random Graph Models", arxiv:1210.7375
- David Chisholm, Coordination without Hierarchy: Informal Structures in Multiorganizational Systems
- Randall Collins, The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change [Many very interesting observations on how social network structure can facilitate and shape intellectual development, backed up by a massive, global acquaintance with the history of philosophy. His own philosophical conclusions, e.g. about realism, seem to me however astonishingly bad --- naive social constructionism.]
- Steven N. Durlauf, "Bowling Alone: A review essay", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 47 (2002): 259--273 [PDF reprint vis Prof. Durlauf]
- Linton C. Freeman, The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science
- Steven M. Goodreau, James A. Kitts and Martina Morris, "Birds of a Feather, Or Friend of a Friend?: Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Social Networks", Demography 46 (2009): 103--125 [In addition to the substantive findings, this is a great introduction to the ERGM approach to modeling complex networks.]
- Roger V. Gould, "The Origins of Status Hierarchies: A Formal Theory and Empirical Test", American Journal of Sociology 107 (2002): 1143--1178 [I find the theory much more interesting than the empirical analysis, because it's really not clear that the process satisfies the conditions Gould (sensibly) wants a test case to have. Still, it's worth noting as an actual example of a social theory in this area, and it's be worth thinking about how to better link it to data. (Someone may already have done that!)]
- Thomas X. Hammes, "Countering Evolved Insurgent Networks", Military Review (July-August 2006): 18--26
- Shin-Kap Han, "Tribal regimes in academia: a comparative analysis of market structure across disciplines", Social Networks 25 (2003): 251--280 [Commentary by Kieran Healy]
- Kieran Healy, "The Performativity of Networks", European Journal of Sociology 56 (2015): 175--205 [PDF reprint. My comments.]
- Matthew O. Jackson and Evan C. Storms, "Behavioral Communities and the Atomic Structure of Networks", arxiv:1710.04656 [Brief comments]
- Stephen Judd, Michael Kearns, and Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, "Behavioral dynamics and influence in networked coloring and consensus", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (2010): 14978--14982 [Comments under collective cognition]
- Judith Kleinfeld, "Could It Be a Big World After All? What the Milgram Papers in the Yale Archive Reveal About the Original Small World Study" [Six degrees of separation, for the general population, is quite unsupported empirically. Of course it works for other kinds of networks, e.g., people in a common profession, or participating in a common institution; but that's different. Preprint.]
- John Levi Martin
- "The Structure of Node and Edge Generation in a Delusional Social Network", Journal of Social Structure 18 (2017): 1--21
- "Comment on 'Geodesic Cycle Length Distributions in Delusional and Other Social Networks' ", Journal of Social Structure 21 (2020): 77--93
- Seth A. Marvel, Travis Martin, Charles R. Doering, David Lusseau, M. E. J. Newman, "The small-world effect is a modern phenomenon", arxiv:1310.2636
- Winter A. Mason, Andy Jones and Robert L. Goldstone, "Propagation of Innovations in Networked Groups", Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137 (2008): 427--433 [See under collective cognition]
- Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Loving and James M. Cook, "Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks", Annual Review of Sociology 27 (2001): 415--444
- Barbara J. Mills, Jeffery J. Clark, Matthew A. Peeples, W. R. Haas, Jr., John M. Roberts, Jr., J. Brett Hill, Deborah L. Huntley, Lewis Borck, Ronald L. Breiger, Aaron Clauset, and M. Steven Shackley, "Transformation of social networks in the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest", PNAS forthcoming (2013)
- James Moody and Douglas R. White, "Social Cohesion and Embeddedness: A Hierarchical Conception of Social Groups", American Sociological Review 68 (2003): 103--127 [PDF preprint via Doug's website]
- Thomas Oatley, W. Kindred Winecoff, Andrew Pennock and Sarah Bauerle Danzman, "The Political Economy of Global Finance: A Network Model", Perspectives on Politics 11 (2013): 133--153
- John F. Padgett and Christopher K. Ansell, "Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400--1434", American Journal of Sociology 98 (1993): 1259--1319 [JSTOR]
- Andrew V. Papachristos, "Murder by Structure: Dominance Relations and the Social Structure of Gang Homicide", American Journal of Socioloy 115 (2009): 74--128 [Though I have methodological qualms about the way the paper tries to quantify/support social contagion of murder]
- Robin Pemantle and Brian Skyrms, "Network formation by reinforcement learning: the long and medium run", math.PR/0404106
- Walter W. Powell, Douglas R. White, Kenneth W. Koput, and Jason OwenâSmith, "Network Dynamics and Field Evolution: The Growth of Interorganizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences", American Journal of Sociology 110 (2005): 1132--1205
- Grant Schoenebeck, "Potential Networks, Contagious Communities, and Understanding Social Network Structure", WWW 2013, arxiv:1304.1845
- David A. Siegel, "When Does Repression Work? Collective Behavior Under the Threat of Violence" [Detailed model involving adaptive social learning, shaped by the network structure, targeted repression, and mass media, with some applications to the Iraqi elections at the start of 2005. One wonders if there isn't some way of extracting analytical results, rather than just simulations... PDF preprint]
- Brian Skyrms and Robin Pemantle, "A Dynamic Model of Social Network Formation", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (2000): 9340--9346, math.PR/0404101
- Nicolas Tackett, The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy
- Troy Tassier's work on labor markets and social networks is very cool, but I can't recommend particular papers because he explained it to me while we were office mates...
- Charles Tilly
- Trust and Rule [Mini-review]
- "Cities, states, and trust networks: chapter 1 of Cities and States in World History", Theory and Society 39 (2010): 265--280
- Douglas R. White, Natasa Kejzar, Constantino Tsallis, Doyne Farmer and Scott White, "A generative model for feedback networks", Physical Review E 73 (2006): 016119, cond-mat/0508028 [I find the growth model here very interesting, because it breaks with the now-usual "preferential attachment" mechanism. I think this model would repay very careful attention, both dynamically (could one map this onto preferential attachment in some meaningful way?) and statistically (what is the limiting degree distribution, and how does it vary with the growth parameters?).]
- Douglas R. White and Karl P. Reitz, "Graphs and Semigroup Homomorphisms on Networks of Relations", Social Networks 5 (1984): 143--234 [PDF via Doug]
- David Wilkinson, "Civilizations as Networks: Trade, War, Diplomacy, and Command-Control", Complexity 8 (2002): 82--86
- Not completely recommended:
- Richard Jean So and Hoyt Long, "Network Analysis and the Sociology of Modernism", boundary 2 40 (2013): 147--182 [This is a directed bipartite graph: poets send poems to journals. Ignoring the direction of the edges and then treating poets who send poems to multiple journals as "brokers" seems distinctly unpersuasive, and may explain some of the strangeness of the results. What one would really want to go along with this data would be another directed relation, pointing from journals to the poets who read them. Still, steps in the right direction. (And it's flattering to have a sentence written by Gndedenko and Kolmogorov attributed to me.)]
- Robert Hobbs, Mark Lombardi: Global Networks [Lombardi produced more-than-slightly paranoid network diagrams of political-financial-intelligence malfeasance, which were both largely real but also less than perfectly reliable. Yet they have considerable artistic value, and if someone could figure out how to make network graphs look like this automatically, it'd be a real boon.]
- Modesty forbids me to recommend:
- Christopher N. Warren, Daniel Shore, Jessica Otis, Lawrence Wang, Mike Finegold and CRS, "Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks", Digital Humanities uarterly 10:3 (2016) and Six Degrees of Francis Bacon
- To read:
- Daron Acemoglu, Asuman Ozdaglar, Ali ParandehGheibi, "Spread of Misinformation in Social Networks", arxiv:0906.5007
- Katharine Anderson
- Aili Asikainen, Gerardo Iñiguez, Javier Ureña-Carrión, Kimmo Kaski and Mikko Kivelä, "Cumulative effects of triadic closure and homophily in social networks", Science Advances 6 (2020): eaax7310
- David Aldous, "Interacting particle systems as stochastic social dynamics", Bernoulli 19 (2013): 1122--1149
- Elisa C. Baek, Ryan Hyon, Karina López, Emily S. Finn, Mason A. Porter, Carolyn Parkinson, "Popularity is linked to neural coordination: Neural evidence for an Anna Karenina principle in social networks", arxiv:2106.02726
- Elisa C. Baek, Ryan Hyon, Karina López, Mason A. Porter, Carolyn Parkinson, "Lonely individuals process the world in idiosyncratic ways", arxiv:2107.01312
- A.-L. Barabasi, H. Jeong, Z. Neda, Erzsebet Ravasz, A. Schubert and T. Vicsek, "Evolution of the social network of scientific collaborations," cond-mat/0104162
- M. J. Barber, A. Krueger, T. Krueger, T. Roediger-Schluga, "The Network of European Research and Development Projects", physics/0509119
- Adriano Barra, Elena Agliari, "A statistical mechanics approach to Granovetter theory", arxiv:1012.1272
- Vilna Francine Bashi, Survival of the Knitted: Immigrant Social Networks in a Stratified World
- N. Berger, C. Borgs, J. T. Chayes, R. M. D'Souza and R. D. Kleinberg, "Competition-Induced Preferential Attachment", cond-mat/0402268
- Garrett Bernstein, Kyle O'Brien, "Stochastic Agent-Based Simulations of Social Networks", arxiv:1309.1747
- Claire Bidart, Alain Degenne and Michel Grossetti, Living in Networks: The Dynamics of Social Relations
- Christine Brickman Bhutta, "Not by the Book: Facebook as a Sampling Frame", Sociological Methods and Research 41 (2012): 57--88
- Jason D. Boardman, Benjamin W. Domingue, and Jason M. Fletcher, "How social and genetic factors predict friendship networks" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (2012): 17377--17381 [The correction only concerns acknowledgments]
- Marian Boguna, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Albert Diaz-Guilera and Alex Arenas, "Models of social networks based on social distance attachment", vPhysical Review E 70 (2004): 056122
- Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, "Persistent Parochialism: Trust and Exclusion in Ethnic Networks", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2004) [Abstract, with link to full text]
- I. Sebastian Buhai, Marco J. van der Leij, "A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation", arxiv:2004.09293
- Carter T. Butts, "A Relational Event Framework for Social Action", Sociological Methodology 38 (2008): 155--200
- Ronald S. Burt, Brokerage and Closure: An Introduction to Social Capital
- Carlo Campajola, Raffaele Cristodaro, Francesco Maria De Collibus, Tao Yan, Nicolo' Vallarano, Claudio J. Tessone, "The Evolution Of Centralisation on Cryptocurrency Platforms", arxiv:2206.05081 [Only skimmed, but looks legit]
- Jiyin Cao and Edward Bishop Smith, "Why Do High-Status People Have Larger Social Networks? Belief in Status-Quality Coupling as a Driver of Network-Broadening Behavior and Social Network Size", Organizational Science 32 (2021): 111--132
- Horacio Castellini and Lilia Romanelli, "Social network from communities of electronic mail", nlin.CD/0509021
- Myong-Hun Chang and Joseph E. Harrington, "Discovery and Diffusion of Knowledge in an Endogenous Social Network", American Journal of Sociology 110 (2005): 937--976
- Anna Collar, Religious Networks in the Roman Empire: The Spread of New Ideas
- Randall Collins and Mauro F. Guillén, "Mutual Halo Effects in Cultural Production: The Case of Modernist Architecture", Theory and Society 41 (2012): 527--556
- Drew Conway, "Networks, Collective Action, and State Formation"
- Miriam Cooke and Bruce B. Lawrence (eds.), Muslim Networks from Hajj to Hip Hop
- Dora L. Costa and Matthew E. Kahn, Heroes and Cowards: The Social Face of War
- Darren P. Croft, Richard James and Jens Krause, Exploring Animal Social Networks
- David Darmon, Elisa Omodei, Joshua Garland, "Followers Are Not Enough: A Question-Oriented Approach to Community Detection in Online Social Networks", arxiv:1404.0300
- Joern Davidsen, Holger Ebel, and Stefan Bornholdt, "Emergence of a small world from local interactions: Modeling acquaintance networks," cond-mat/0108302
- G. F. Davis and H. R. Greve, "Corporate elite networks and governance changes in the 1980s", American Journal of Sociology 103 (1997): 1--37
- G. F. Davis, M. Yoo and W. E. Baker, "The small world of the corporate elite"
- Mario Diani and Doug McAdam (eds.), Social Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Collective Action
- T. Di Matteo, T. Aste and M. Gallegati, "Innovation flow through social networks: Productivity distribution", physics/0406091 [Those look an awful lot like log-normals to me.]
- Irene A. Doherty, Nancy S. Padian, Cameron Marlow, Sevgi O. Aral, "Determinants and Consequences of Sexual Networks as They Affect the Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections", The Journal of Infectious Diseases 191 (2005): S42--S54
- Patrick Doreian
- "Actor network utilities and network evolution", Social Networks 28 (2006): 137--164
- "Causality in Social Network Analysis", Sociological Methods and Research 30 (2001): 81--114
- George C. M. A. Ehrhardt, Matteo Marsili, and Fernando Vega-Redondo, "Emergence and resilience of social networks: a general theoretical framework", physics/0504124
- Sean F. Everton, Disrupting Dark Networks
- Emilio Ferrara, Pasquale De Meo, Salvatore Catanese, Giacomo Fiumara, "Detecting criminal organizations in mobile phone networks", arxiv:1404.1295
- Claude S. Fischer, To Dwell among Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City
- Andreas Flache and Tobias Stark, "Preference or opportunity? Why do we find more friendship segregation in more heterogeneous schools?", arxiv:0901.2825
- Shweta Gaonkar, Angelo Mele, "A model of inter-organizational network formation", arxiv:2105.00458
- J.B. Glattfelder, S. Battiston, "Backbone of complex networks of corporations: The flow of control", Physical Review E 80 (2009): 036104, arxiv:0902.0878
- T.L. Goedeke and S. Rikoon, "Otters as Actors: Scientific Controversy, Dynamism of Networks, and the Implications of Power in Ecological Restoration", Social Studies of Science 38 (2008): 111--132
- Sanjeev Goyal, Connections: An Introduction to the Economics of Networks
- A. Grabowski and R. A. Kosinski, "Life span in online communities", Physical Review E 82 (2010): 066108 [Mostly for the promised results about rumor propagation when people enter and leave the network]
- Mark Granovetter, Getting a Job: A Study of Contacts and Careers
- Stefano Guarino, Enrico Mastrostefano, Massimo Bernaschi, Alessandro Celestini, Marco Cianfriglia, Davide Torre, Lena Zastrow, "Inferring urban social networks from publicly available data", arxiv:2012.06652 [This is an approach to simulating social networks which have some claim to the title "realistic", rather than inferring the actual network from non-network data.]
- P. H. Gulliver, Neighbours and Networks: The Idiom of Social Action among the Ndendeuli of Tanzania
- Matthew Haag and Roger Lagunoff, "Social Norms, Local Interaction, and Neighborhood Planning," ewp-game/9907004
- Thomas T. Hills, <cite>Behavioral Network Science: Language, Mind, and Society
- Petter Holme, Christofer R. Edling and Frederik Liljeros, "Structure and time evolution of an Internet dating community", Social Networks 26 (2004): 155-174
- Robert Huckfeldt, Paul E. Johnson and John Sprague, Political Disagreement: The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks
- Eiko Ikegami, Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture
- Matthew O. Jackson, Social and Economic Networks
- Matthew O. Jackson, Tomas Rodriguez-Barraquer and Xu Tan, "Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange", American Economic Review 102 (2012): 1857--1897
- Ann M. Jolly and John L. Wylie, "Sampling Individuals With Large Sexual Networks: An Evaluation of Four Approaches", Sexually Transmitted Diseases 28 (2001): 200--207 [JSTOR. I read this in the early 2000s as part of preparation for a project that never happened, but want to revisit as part of thinking about network sampling]
- Charles Kadushin
- "Too Much Investment in Social Capital?", Social Networks 26 (2004): 75--90 [Review essay on recent books on the social capital concept]
- "Personal Influence: A Radical Theory of Action", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 608 (2006): 270--281
- Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings
- Elihu Katz and Paul Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence
- Michael Kenney, From Pablo to Osama: Trafficking and Terrorist Networks, Government Bureaucracies, and Competitive Adaptation
- Florian Kerschbaumer, Linda von Keyserlingk-Rehbein, Martin Stark, and Marten Düring (eds.), The Power of Networks: Prospects of Historical Network Research
- Martin Kilduff and David Krackhardt, Interpersonal Networks in Organizations: Cognition, Personality, Dynamics, and Culture
- Konstantin Klemm, Victor M. Eguiluz, Raul Toral and Maxi San Miguel, "Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: A model of social interaction," Physical Review E 67 (2003): 026120
- Carl Knappett (ed.), >Network Analysis in Archaeology: New Approaches to Regional Interaction
- Bruce Kogut (ed.), The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance
- Geuorgi Kossinets and Duncan J. Watts, "Empirical Analysis of an Evolving Social Network", Science 311 (2006): 88--90
- Pamela Walker Laird, Pull: Networking and Success since Benjamin Franklin
- Jennifer M. Larson, Designing Empirical Social Networks Research
- Edward O. Laumann, Stephen Ellingson, Jenna Mahay, and Anthony Paik (eds.), The Sexual Organization of the City ["The city" being Chicago.]
- Claire Lemercier, "Formal network methods in history: why and how?", halshs-00521527
- Nan Lin, Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action
- James R. Lincoln and Michael L. Gerlach, Japan's Network Economy: Structure, Peristence, and Change
- Omar Lizardo, "How Cultural Tastes Shape Personal Networks" [PDF preprint]
- David Lusseau, "Evidence for social role in a dolphin social network", q-bio/PE/0607048
- David Lusseau and M. E. J. Newman, "Identifying the role that individual animals play in their social network", q-bio.PE/0403029
- Seth A. Marvel, Steven H. Strogatz, Jon M. Kleinberg, "The Energy Landscape of Social Balance", arxiv:0906.2893
- Scott D. McClurg, Anand Sokhey and J. Drew Seib, "Examining Mechanisms of Political Disagreement" [Political Networks Paper Archive 55]
- Cathleen McGrath and David Krackhardt, "Network Conditions for Organizational Change", The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 39 (2003): 324--336 [PDF reprint]
- P. K. McGregor (ed.), Animal Communication Networks
- Paul McLean, Culture in Networks
- Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew E. Brashears, "Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades", American Sociological Review 71 (2006): 353--375 [commentary by Kieran Healy]
- Radoslaw Michalski, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Przemyslaw Kazienko, Christian Lebiere, Omar Lizardo, Marcin Kulisiewicz, "Social Networks through the Prism of Cognition", arxiv:1806.04658
- J. Clyde Mitchell (ed.), Social Networks in Urban Situations: Analyses of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns [Institute for Social Research, University of Zambia, 1969 --- which is to say, very old-school indeed]
- M. S. Mizurchi, The American Corporate Network, 1904--1974
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu and Joel A.C. Baum, Epinets: The Epistemic Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks
- Derek O'Callaghan, Derek Greene, Maura Conway, Joe Carthy, Pádraig Cunningham, "Uncovering the Wider Structure of Extreme Right Communities Spanning Popular Online Networks", arxiv:1302.1726
- Anthony Paik and Kenneth Sanchagrin, "Social Isolation in America: An Artifact", SSRN/2101146
- Philippa Pattison, Algebraic Models for Social Networks
- Francesca Polletta, Inventing the Ties That Bind: Imagined Relationships in Moral and Political Life
- John Quiggin, "Cities, Connections and Cronyism", Australian Public Policy Program Working Paper: P06_3
- Craig M. Rawlings, Daniel M. McFarland, Linus Dahlander, Dan Wang, "Streams of Thought: How Ties Form and Influence Flows among New Faculty" [PDF preprint]
- Bertrand M. Roehner, Driving Forces in Physical, Biological and Socio-economic Phenomena: A Network Science Investigation of Social Bonds and Interactions
- Camille Roth, "Measuring Generalized Preferential Attachment in Dynamic Social Networks", nlin.AO/0507021
- Deidre A. Royster, Race and the Invisible Hand: How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue-Collar Jobs
- Giovanni Roberto Ruffini, Social Networks in Byzantine Egypt v
- B. Ruyu and M. N. Kuperman, "Affinity driven social networks", nlin.AO/0703038
- Sean Safford, Why the Garden Club Couldn't Save Youngstown: The Transformation of the Rust Belt
- Robert J. Sampson, Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect
- Rossano Schifanella, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Benjamin Markines, Filippo Menczer, "Folks in Folksonomies: Social Link Prediction from Shared Metadata", arxiv:1003.2281 [and in WSDM 2010 conference proceedings]
- David A. Siegel, "The Media as Spur and Spoiler: A Theory of Multiple Influences on Collective Behavior" [Abstract: "model of interdependent collective behavior under the influence of both local social networks and a mass media. Individual interests are heterogeneous, and people choose whether or not to participate in the behavior based on a comparison of subjective costs and benefits. Costs are updated in response to the activities of both their social neighbors and the population as a whole; people obtain information about the latter from the media. ... neither increased connectivity in local networks nor an increased role for the media uniformly increases participation in collective behavior ... Social elites who are unified in their interests can play an outsized role in determining participation, as can a biased media." PDF preprint]
- Ozgur Simsek and David Jensen, "Navigating networks by using homophily and degree", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 105 (2008): 12758--12762
- John Stachurski and Thomas J. Sargent, Economic Networks: Theory and Computation
- Christian Steglich, Philip Sinclair, Jo Holliday and Laurence Moore, "Actor-based analysis of peer influence in A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial (ASSIST)", Social Networks forthcoming (2010)
- Grahame F. Thompson, Between Hierarchies and Markets: The Logic and Limits of Network Forms of Organization
- Charles Tilly
- Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties
- Stories, Identities, and Political Change
- Namatié Traoré, "Networks and Rapid Technological Change: Novel Evidence from the Canadian Biotech Industry", Industry and Innovation 13 (2006): 41--68
- Federico Varese, "How Mafias Migrate: The Case of the 'Ndrangheta in Northern Italy", Law and Society Review 40 (2006): 411--444 [PDF reprint]
- Katherine Cramer Walsh, Talking about Politics: Informal Groups and Social Identity in American Life
- Frank E. Walter, Stefano Battiston, Frank Schweitzer, "A Model of a Trust-based Recommendation System on a Social Network", nlin.AO/0611054
- Duncan J. Watts, Peter S. Dodds and Mark E. J. Newman, "Identity and Search in Social Networks," Science 296 (2002): 1302--1305, cond-mat/0205383
- Lilian Weng, Filippo Menczer, Yong-Yeol Ahn, "Virality Prediction and Community Structure in Social Networks", Scientific Reports 3 (2013): 2522, arxiv:1306.0158
- Harrison White
- Hal Whitehead, Analyzing Animal Societies: Quantitative Methods for Vertebrate Social Analysis [It's not obvious to me why he has the adjective "vertebrate"...]
- Meredith A. Whiteman and John T. Scholz, "Social Capital in Coordination Experiments: Risk, Trust and Position" [Political Networks Paper Archive #50]
- Li Zhang, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks Within China's Floating Population
- Yiguang Zhang, Jessy Xinyi Han, Ilica Mahajan, Priyanjana Bengani, Augustin Chaintreau, "Chasm in Hegemony: Explaining and Reproducing Disparities in Homophilous Networks", arxiv:2102.11925
- W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, R. A. Hill and R. I. M. Dunbar, "Discrete Hierarchical Organization of Social Group Sizes", cond-mat/0403299