Attention conservation notice: Boasting about my student's just-completed doctoral dissertation. Over 2500 words extolling new statistical methods, plus mathematical symbols and ugly computer graphics, without any actual mathematical content, or even enough detail to let others in the field judge the results.
On Monday, my student Georg
M. Goerg, last seen here leading Skynet to declare war on
humanity at his dissertation
proposal, defeated
the snake — that
is, defended his thesis:
If you want to predict a spatio-temporal process, your best bet is to come up with an appropriately-detailed model of its dynamics, solve the model, estimate its parameters, and extrapolate it forward. Unfortunately, this is Real Science, and I gave up real science because it is hard. Coming up with a good mechanistic model of fluid flow, or combustion, or (have mercy) how the metabolic activity of computing neurons translates into blood flow and so into fMRI signals, is the sort of undertaking which could easily go on for years (or a century), and burning one graduate student per data set is wasteful. It would be nice to have a more automatic technique, which learns the dynamics from the data; at least, some representation of the dynamics. (We know this can be done for non-spatial dynamics.)
One might ignore the fact that the dynamics are spread out over space, and turn to modern time series methods. But this is not a good idea; even if the spatial extent is very modest, one is quickly dealing with very high-dimensional data, and the curse of dimensionality becomes crushing. Treating every spatial location as its own time series, and ignoring spatial dependence, is equally dubious. Now, just as there are unprincipled parametric statistical models of time series (ARMA et al.), there are unprincipled parametric statistical models of spatio-temporal data, but these offend me aesthetically, much as ARMA-mongering does. (I would sharply distinguish between these models, and parametric stochastic models which try to represent actual mechanisms.)
What Georg worked with in his thesis is the idea that, while spatial dependence matters, in spatio-temporal systems, it's generally not the case that every part of space-time depends on every other part of space-time. Suppose we want to predict what will happen at a particular point \( \vec{r} \) at a particular time \( t \). If influence can only propagate through the process at a finite speed \( c \), then recent events elsewhere can only matter if they are nearby spatially; for more spatially remote events to matter, they must be older. In symbols, what occured at another point-instant \( \vec{s},u \) could influence what happens at \( \vec{r},t \) only if \( \|\vec{s}-\vec{r}\| \leq c(t-u) \). Call this region of space-time the past cone of our favorite point-instant. Likewise, what happens at our point-instant can only influence those point-instants in its future cone, those where \( \|\vec{s}-\vec{r}\| \leq c(u-t) \).
I realize that such verbal-algebraic definitions are harder to follow than pictures, so I have prepared one. Take it away, T. rex:
Of course the whole idea is ripped off from special relativity, and so has to apply when the data are measured at a high enough time resolution, but we don't really need that. So long as there is some finite speed of propagation, we can use that to define past and future cones0. The very nice consequence is that conditioning on the past cone screens off what happens at \( \vec{r}, t \) from what happens in the rest of space-time. This means that instead of having to predict the future of the whole spatial configuration from the past of the whole spatial configuration, we just need to predict the future at each point from its past cone. We've traded a single huge-dimensional problem for a lot of much-lower-dimensional problems, which is a big gain.
When we want to actually do this prediction at a given point, we want to
know the distribution of the configuration in the future cone conditional on
the contents of the past cone. Call this the "predictive distribution" for
short. At this point, we could apply whatever predictive method we want.
There is however one which has a nice connection to the idea of reconstructing
the dynamics from the observed behavior. Suppose we had access to
an Oracle
which could tell us when two past-cone configurations would lead to the same
predictive distribution. We would then, if we were not idiots, group together
pasts which led to the same predictive distribution, and just remember, at each
point-instant, which predictive distribution equivalence class we're dealing
with. (We would pool data about actual futures within a class, and not across
classes.) The class labels would be the minimal sufficient statistic for
predicting the future. Since "predictive distribution equivalence class" is a
mouthful, we'll call these predictive states,
or, following
the literature, causal states. Every point-instant in
space-time gets its own predictive state,
with nice strong Markov
properties, and exactly the sort of screening-off you'd expect from a causal
model, so the latter name isn't even a total stretch1.
Since we do not have an Oracle, we try to approximate one, by building our
own equivalence classes among histories. This amounts to clustering past cone
configurations, based not on whether the configurations look similar,
but whether they lead to similar predictive consequences. (We replace
the original geometry in configuration-space by a new geometry in the space of
predictive distributions, and cluster there.) In the older papers Georg
mentioned in his abstract, this clustering was done in comparatively crude ways
that only worked with discrete data, but it was always clear that was just a
limitation of the statistical implementation, not the underlying mathematics.
One could, and people
like Jänicke et
al. did, just quantize continuous data, but we wanted to avoid taking
such a step.
For the original LICORS algorithm, Georg cracked the problem by using modern
idea for high-dimensional testing. Basically, if we assume that the predictive
state space isn't too rich, as we observe the process for longer and longer we
gain more and more information about every configuration's predictive
consequences, and grouping them together on the basis
of statistical powerful hypothesis tests yields a closer
and closer approximation to the true predictive states and their predictive
distributions. (I won't go into details here; read the paper, or the
This is basically a "hard" clustering, and experience suggests that one
often gets better predictive performance from "soft", probabilistic
clustering2. This is
what "mixed LICORS" does --- it alternates between assigning each history to a
fractional share in different predictive states, and re-estimating the states'
predictive distributions. As is usual with non-parametric EM algorithms,
proving anything is pretty hopeless, but it definitely works quite well.
To see how well, we made up a little spatio-temporal stochastic process,
with just one spatial dimension. The observable process is non-Gaussian,
non-Markovian, heteroskedastic, and, in these realizations, non-stationary.
There is a latent state process, and, given the latent state, the observable
process is conditionally Gaussian, with a variance of 1. (I won't give the
exact specification, you can find it in the thesis.) Because there is only one
spatial dimension, we can depict the whole of space and time in one picture,
viewing the realization sub specie aeternitatis. Here is one such
Spinoza's-eye-view of a particular realization, with time unrolling horizontally from left to right:
Since this is a simulation, we can work out the true predictive
distribution. In fact, we rigged the simulation so that the true predictive
distribution is always homoskedastic and Gaussian, and can be labeled
by the predictive mean. For that realization, it looks like this:
LICORS of course doesn't know this; it doesn't know about the latent state
process, or the parametric form of the model, or even that there is such a
thing as a Gaussian distribution. All it gets is one realization of the
observed process. Nonetheless, it goes ahead and constructs its own predictive
states3. When we label those by their
conditional means (even though we're really making distributional forecasts),
we get this:
Qualitatively, this looks like we're doing a pretty good job of matching
both the predictions and the spatio-temporal structure, even features which are
really not obvious in the surface data. Quantitatively, we can compare how
we're doing to other prediction methods:
In other words, hard LICORS predicts really well, starting from no
knowledge of the dynamics, and mixed LICORS (not shown in that figure; read the
dissertation!) is even stronger. Of course, this only works because the
measurement resolution, in both space and time, is fine enough that
there is a finite speed of propagation. If we reduced the
time-resolution enough, every point could potentially influence every other in
between each measurement, and the light-cone approach delivers no advantage.
(At the other extreme, if there really is no spatial propagation of influence,
the cones reduce to the histories of isolated points.) A small amount of
un-accounted-for long-range connections doesn't seem to present large problems;
being precise about that would be nice. So would implementing
the theoretical possibility
of replacing space with an arbitrary, but known, network.
Once we have a predictive state for each point-instant, we can calculate how
many bits of information about the past cone configuration is needed to specify
the predictive state. This is the local statistical complexity, which we can
use for automatic filtering and pattern discovery. I wrote about
that idea
lo these many years ago, but Georg has some very nice
results in his thesis on empirical applications of the notion, not
just the abstract models of pattern formation I talked about. We can also use
the predictive-state model to generate a new random field, which should have
the same statistical properties as the original data, i.e., we can do a
model-based bootstrap for spatio-temporal data, but that's really another story
for another time.
Clearly, Georg no longer has anything to learn from me, so it's time for him
to leave the ivory tower, and go seek his fortune in Manhattan. I am very
proud; congratulations, Dr. Goerg!
0: When I mentioned this idea in
Lyon in 2003, Prof. Vincenzo Capasso informed me that
Kolmogorov used just such a construction in a 1938 paper modeling the
crystallization of
metals, apparently
introducing the term "causal cone". Whether Kolmogorov drew the analogy with
relativity, I don't know. ^
[1]: One discovery of
this construction for time series was that of Crutchfield and Young, just
linked to; similar ideas were expressed earlier by Peter Grassberger. Later
independent discoveries include that
of Jaeger,
of Littman, Sutton
and Singh, and of Langford,
Salakhutdinov and Zhang. The most comprehensive set of results for
one-dimensional stochastic processes is actually that
of Knight from
1975. The earliest is from Wesley Salmon, in
his Statistical
Explanation and Statistical Relevance (1971).
The information bottleneck
is closely related, as are
some of Lauritzen's ideas
about sufficient statistics and
prediction. I have probably missed other
incarnations. ^
[2]: Obviously, that
account of how mixed LICORS came about is a [3]: LICORS needs to know the
speed of propagation, \( c \), and how far the past and future cones should
extend in time. If there are no substantive grounds for choosing these control
settings, these can be set by cross-validation. There's not a lot of theory to
back that up, but in practice it works really well. Getting some theory of
cross-validation for this setting would be great. ^
Update, 29 December 2012: Small typo fixes and wording improvements.
Mean squared errors of different models, evaluated
on independent realizations of the same process. "Mean per row" learns a
different constant for each spatial location. The AR(p) models, of various
orders, learn a separate linear autoregressive model for each spatial location.
The VAR(p) models learn vector autoregressions for the whole spatial
configuration, with Lasso penalties as
in Song and Bickel. The "truth"
is what an Oracle which knew the underlying model could achieve; the final
columns show various tweaks to the LICORS algorithm.
lie rational
reconstruction. It really grew out of Georg's using an analogy with mixture
models when trying to explain predictive states to neuroscientists. In a
mixture model for \( Y \), we write
\Pr(Y=y) = \sum_{s}{\Pr(S=s)\Pr(Y=y|S=s)}
where the sum is over the components or profiles or extremal distributions in
the mixture. Conditioning on another variable, say \( X \)
Pr(Y=y|X=x) = \sum_{s}{\Pr(S=s|X=x)\Pr(Y=y|S=s,X=x)}
which is clearly going to be even more of a mess than the marginal
distribution. Unless, that is, \( \Pr(S=s|X=x) \) collapses into a delta
function, which will happen when \( S \) is actually a statistic calculable
from \( X \). The predictive states are then the profiles in a mixture model
optimized for prediction. ^
Posted at December 20, 2012 22:30 | permanent link