Attention conservation notice: Advertising an academic position in fields you don't work in, in a place you don't want to live, paying much less than the required skills can get from private industry.
We have a tenure-track opening at the intersection of statistics and complex social systems, a.k.a. computational social science:
The Department of Statistics and Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University invites applications for a tenure track position in Computational Social Science at the rank of Assistant Professor starting in Fall 2025. This position will be affiliated with the Institute for Complex Social Dynamics.The Department seeks candidates in the areas of social science statistics and data science, as well as related interdisciplinary fields. Potential areas of interest include network science, social simulation, data science for social good, simulation-based inference, cultural evolution, using large text and image corpora as data, and data privacy. Candidates with other research interests related to the work of both the Department and the Institute are also highly encouraged to apply.
The Institute for Complex Social Dynamics brings together scholars at Carnegie Mellon University who develop and apply mathematical and computational models to study large-scale complex social phenomena. The core members of the Institute are based in the Departments of Statistics and Data Science, Social and Decision Sciences, and Philosophy. Interests of the Institute include studies of the emergence of social behavior, the spread of misinformation, social inequality, and societal resilience.
As tenure-track faculty, the successful candidate will be expected to develop an independent research agenda, leading to publications in leading journals in both statistics and in suitable social-scientific venues; to teach courses in the department at both the undergraduate and graduate level; to supervise Ph.D. dissertations; to obtain grants; and in general to build a national reputation for their scholarship. The candidate will join the ICSD as a Core Member, and help shape the future of the Institute.
CMU's statistics department is unusually welcoming to those without traditional disciplinary backgrounds in statistics (after all, I'm here!), and that goes double for this position. If this sounds interesting, then apply by December 15th. (I'm late in posting this.) If this sounds like it would be interesting to your doctoral students / post-docs / other proteges, then encourage them to apply.
(If you'd like to join the statistics department, but are not interested in
complex social dynamics what's wrong with you? we
have another tenure
track opening, where I'm not on the hiring committee.)
Posted at November 25, 2024 10:30 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: Soliciting applications for a limited-time research job in an arcane field you neither understand nor care about, which will at once require specialized skills and pay much less than those skills command in industry.
I am, for the first time, hiring a post-doc:
The Department of Statistics and Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University invites applicants for a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in simulation-based inference. The fellow will work with Prof. Cosma Shalizi of the department on developing theory, algorithms and applications of random feature methods in simulation-based inference, with a particular emphasis on social-scientific problems connected to the work of CMU's Institute for Complex Social Dynamics. Apart from by the supervisor, the fellow will also be mentored by other faculty in the department and the ICSD, depending on their interests and secondary projects, and will get individualized training in both technical and non-technical professional skills.Successful applicants will have completed a Ph.D. in Statistics, or a related quantitative discipline, by September 2025, and ideally have a strong background in non-convex and stochastic optimization and/or Monte Carlo methods, and good programming and communication skills. Prior familiarity with simulation-based inference, social network models and agent-based modeling will be helpful, but not necessary.
Basically, I need someone who is much better than I am at stochastic optimization to help out with the matching-random-features idea. But I hope my post-doc will come up with other things to do, unrelated to their ostensible project (God knows I did), and I promise not to put my name on anything unless I actually contribute. If you don't have a conventional background in statistics, well, I'm open to that, for obvious reasons.
Beyond that, the stats. department is a genuinely great and supportive place to work, I hope for fabulous things from ICSD, and CMU has a whole has both a remarkable number of people doing interesting work and remarkably low barriers between departments; Pittsburgh is a nice and still-affordable place to live. Apply, by 15 December!
--- If I have sold you on being a post-doc here, but not on my project or on me, may I interest you in working on social networks dynamics with my esteemed colleague Nynke Niezink?
(The post-doc ad is official, but this blog post is just me, etc., etc.)
Posted at November 14, 2024 23:20 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: Middle-aged dad has doubts about how he's spent his time.
In September 1994, I wanted to write a program which would filter the Usenet newsgroups I followed for the posts of most interest to me, which led me to writing out keywords describing what I was interested in. I don't remember why I started to elaborate the keywords into little essays and reading lists (perhaps self-clarification?), but I did, and then, because I'd just learned HTML and was playing around with hypertext, I put the document online. (My records say this was 3 October 1994, though that may have been fixing on a plausible date retroactively.) I've been updating those notebooks ever since, recording things-to-read as they crossed my path, recording my reading, and some thoughts. The biggest change in organization came pretty early: the few people who read it all urged me to split it from one giant file into many topical files, so I did, on 13 March 1995, ordered by last update, a format I've stuck to ever since (*).
This was not, of course, what I was supposed to be doing as a twenty-year-old physics graduate student. (Most of the notebook entries weren't even about physics.) Unlike a lot of ideas I had at that age, though, I stuck with it --- have stuck with it. Over the last thirty years, I've spent a substantial chunk of my waking hours recording references, consolidating what I understand by trying to explain it, and working out what I think by seeing what I write, by using Emacs to edit a directory of very basic HTML files. (I learned Emacs Lisp to write functions to do things like add links to arxiv.)
Was any of this a good use of my time? I couldn't begin to say. Long, long ago it became clear to me that I was never going to read more than a small fraction of the items I recorded as "To read:". I sometimes tell myself that it's a way of satiating my hoarding tendencies without actually filling my house with junk, but of course it's possible it's just feeding those tendencies. I do use the notebooks, though honestly the have-read portions are the most useful ones to me. Some of the notebooks have grown into papers, though many more which were intended to be seeds of papers have never sprouted. I know that some other people, from time to time, say they find them useful, which is nice. (Though I presume most people's reactions would range from bafflement to "wow, pretentious much?") Whether this justifies all those hours not writing papers / finishing any of my projected books / gardening / hanging out with friends / being with my family / playing with my cat (RIP) / drinking beer / riding my bike / writing letters / writing al-Biruni fanfic / actually reading, well...
The core of the matter, I suspect, is that if anyone does anything for a decade or three consistently, it becomes a very hard habit to break. By this point, the notebooks are so integrated into the way I work that it would take lots of my time and will-power to stop updating them, as long as I keep anything like my current job. So I will keep at it, and hope that it is, at worst, a cheap and harmless vice.
I never did write that Usenet filter.
*: A decade later, I started using blosxom, rather than completely hand-written HTML, and Danny Yee wrote me a cascading style sheet. I also was happy to use first HTMX, and then MathJax, to render math, rather than trying to put equations into HTML. ^.
Posted at October 17, 2024 09:30 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: Academic navel-gazing, in the form of basic arithmetic with unpleasant consequences that I leave partially implicit.
A professor at a top-tier research university who graduates only six doctoral students over a thirty year career is likely regarded by their colleagues as a bit of a slacker when it comes to advising work; it's easy to produce many more new Ph.D.s. (Here is a more representative case of some personal relevance.) That slacking professor has nonetheless reproduced their own doctorate six-fold, which works out to $\frac{\log{6}}{30} \approx$ 6% per year growth in the number of Ph.D. holders. Put this as a lower bound --- a very cautious lower bound --- on how quickly the number of doctorates could grow, if all those doctorate-holders became professors themselves. Unless faculty jobs also grow at 6% per year, which ultimately means student enrollment growing at 6% per year, something has to give. Student enrollment does not grow at 6% per year indefinitely (and it cannot, even if you think everyone should go to college); something gives. What gives is that most Ph.D.s will not be employed in the kind of faculty position where they train doctoral students. The jobs they find might be good, and even make essential use of skills which we only know how to transmit through that kind of acculturation and apprenticeship, but they simply cannot be jobs whose holders spawn more Ph.D.s.
The professoriate is a super-critical branching process, and we know how those end. (I am a neutron that didn't get absorbed by a moderator; that makes me luckier than those that did get absorbed, not better.) In the sustainable steady state, the average professor at a Ph.D.-granting institution should expect to have one student who also goes on to be such a professor in their entire career.
Anyone who takes this as a defense of under-funding public universities, of
adjunctification, or even of our society having more non-academic use for
quantitative skills than for humanistic learning, has trouble with reading
comprehension. Also, of course this is Malthusian reasoning; what
made Malthus wrong was not anticipating that what he called "vice"
could become universal the demographic transition. Let the reader
Posted at October 04, 2024 11:00 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: I have no taste, and no qualifications to opine on world history, or even on random matrix theory. Also, most of my reading this month was done at odd hours and/or while chasing after a toddler, so I'm less reliable and more cranky than usual.
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur; Writing for Antiquity; The Great Transformation; Mathematics; Enigmas of Chance; The Dismal Science
Posted at September 30, 2024 23:59 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: I have no taste, and no qualifications to opine on world history. Also, most of my reading this month was done at odd hours and/or while chasing after a toddler, so I'm less reliable and more cranky than usual.
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur; Scientifiction and Fantastica; Writing for Antiquity; The Dismal Science; Heard About Pittsburgh PA
Posted at August 31, 2024 23:59 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: I have no taste. Also, most of my reading and viewing this month was done at odd hours and/or while chasing after a toddler, so I'm less reliable and more cranky than usual.
Books to Read While Algae Grow in Your Fur; Scientifiction and Fantastica; Tales of Our Ancestors
Posted at July 31, 2024 23:59 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: Advice on teaching, which I no longer follow myself.
I teach a lot of big classes --- the undergraduate advanced data analysis class passed 100 students many years ago, and this spring is over 230 --- which has some predictable consequences. I don't get to talk much to many of the students. They're mostly evaluated by how they do on weekly problem sets (a few of which, in some classes, I call "take-home exams"), and I don't even grade most of their homework, my teaching assistants do. While I try to craft problem sets which make sure the students practice the skills and material I want them to learn, and lead them to understand the ideas I want them to grasp, just looking at their scores doesn't give me a lot of information about how well the homework is actually working for those purposes. Even looking at a sample of what they turn in doesn't get me very far. If I talk to students, though, I can get a much better sense of what they do and do not understand fairly quickly. But there really isn't time to talk to 100 students, or 200.
About ten years ago, now, I decided to apply some of the tools of my discipline to get out of this dilemma, by means of random sampling. Every week, I would randomly select a fixed number of students for interviews. These interviews took no more than 30 minutes each, usually more like 20, and were one-on-one meetings, distinct from regular open office hours. They always opened by me asking them to explain what they did in such-and-such a problem on last week's homework, and went on from there, either through the problem set, or on to other topics as those suggested themselves.
In every class I did this in, it gave me a much better sense of what was working in the problems I was assigning and what wasn't, which topics were actually getting through to students and which were going over their heads, or where they learned to repeat examples mechanically without grasping the principle. There were some things which made the interviews themselves work better:
Setting aside a fixed block of time for these interviews didn't actually help me, because students' schedules are too all-over-the-place for that to be useful. (This may differ at other schools.)
Choosing the number of students each week to interview has an obvious trade-off of instructor time vs. information. I used to adjust it so that each student could expect to be picked once per semester, but I always did sampling-with-replacement. In a 15-week semester with 100 students, that comes out to about 3.5 hours of interviews every week, which, back then, I thought well worthwhile.
I gave this up during the pandemic, because trying to do a good interview like this over Zoom is beyond my abilities. I haven't resumed it since we went back to in-person teaching, because I don't have the flexibility in my schedule in any more to make it work. But I think my teaching is worse for not doing this.
Posted at March 23, 2024 15:10 | permanent link
Attention conservation notice: Advice for running an academic workshop, which I've only followed myself a few times.
Some years ago, Henry Farrell and I ran a series of workshops about cooperative problem-solving and collective cognition where we wanted to get people with very different disciplinary backgrounds --- political theorists, computer scientists, physicists, statisticians, cognitive psychologists --- talking to each other productively. We hit upon an idea which worked much better than we had any right to hope. (Whether it's ultimately due to him, or me, or to one of us tossing it out as obviously dumb and the other saying "Actually...", neither of us can now recall.) We've both used it separately a few times in other settings, also with good results. Since we both found ourselves explaining it recently, I thought I'd describe it in a brief note.
Doing this at the beginning of the workshop helps make sure that everyone has some comprehension of what everyone else is talking about, or at least that mis-apprehensions or failures to communicate are laid bare. It can help break up the inevitable disciplinary/personal cliques. It can, and has, spark actual collaborations across disciplines. And, finally, many people report that knowing their presentation is going to be given by someone else forces them to write with unusual clarity and awareness of their own expert blind-spots.
As I said, Henry and I hit on this for interdisciplinary workshops, but I've also used it for disciplinary workshops --- because every discipline is a fractal (or lattice) of sub-sub-...-sub-disciplinary specialization. I've also used it for student project classes, at both the undergrad and graduate level. That requires more hand-holding and/or pastoral care on the part of the teacher than a research workshop, and I've never tried to make it the way I start a class.
Learned Folly; The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts; Corrupting the Young
Posted at March 23, 2024 15:05 | permanent link